Three of the most prized revisions of the classic 1176 compressor in one!!
Do you love the aggressive mid-range and coloration of the 1176 blue face, the subtle character and versatility of revision D on vocals and bass and love the gentle and transparent properties of revision F and G on acoustic guitar and stringed instruments? Then the Stam Audio SA-76+ is the ideal compressor for you.
As we were already planning to do a 1176 model of each famous revision, it occurred to us, why make just one if we could deliver all 4 versions to our clients, at the same price as a single unit? Mechanically and component-wise the cost was marginally higher and we could use both the 0-12 and 50002 transformers for the A and D sections as used on the original units and bypass the transformers for revision G like the original.
There were 2 challenges to overcome. First, each revision had to sound 100% identical to the original by respecting the original signal path and schematic. Secondly, it had to look like an original 1176. We removed the +4 and +10 metering options and left the VU meter in standard Gain Reduction mode, in order to utilize the original switches to select between which revision you want. With the aid of several relays we have insured that you can switch from one version to another, seamlessly respecting the original sound.
Each unit comes with a Sowter input transformer O-12 replica and a Sowter 1327 output transformer, Carnhill output transformer, Philip capacitors, Ohmite carbon comp resistors, tantalum and the correct output transistors, but we didn’t stop there. We also added a Tube blend control to each revision making this compressor a 8 in 1 JFET unit.
Commercially, it would have made more sense for us to release all 4 revisions separately and it would have meant selling more units, but for us at Stam Audio, it is important for us that you get the most out of your money, as well as optimize rack space.
The SA-76+ is made with premium components
We have gone to great length to faithfully reproduce the compression characteristics and tonality of the original.
The SA-76+ features a Sowter 1260 input transformer, which is an identical replica of the original UTC O-12 (Ratio 1:1.58 200/500 Ohms) and a Sowter 1327 output transformer that precisely matches the ratio and frequency response of the original 5002 output transformer designed by Bill Putnam. We have made no compromise in parts such as Vishay capacitors, Ohmite carbon resistors and matched selected transistors to ensure you will get the best sounding unit without cutting any corners. All of the SA-76ADG’s are calibrated in our workshop in Chile where they get their transformers soldered, a full health check, and a burn for 48 hours.
100% satisfaction guarantee – if you don’t love your SA-76ADG, we’ll refund you
If you’ve used an original 1176 revision A, D, F or G before, we’re extremely confident the Stam Audio SA-76+ will put a big smile on your face every time you use it. However, if you’ve never touched the originals before, as gear lovers ourselves we understand that the only way to really know if this compressor is right for you, is to put it through its paces. That’s why the SA-76+comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. This allows you to get it into your rack and see how it impacts your recordings. If you love it (and we think you will!), great… keep the unit and create amazing music with it. If not, no problems. Just send it back to us and we’ll fully refund your purchase.
Alex AVR Music –
This thing is fantastic. All revisions sound great, the build quality is top and it really stands out in the rack (and gets lots of compliments). The all-in buttons mode is the icing on the cake! Highly recommended. –
I have the singular version of the bluestrip rev A and it sounds amazing. For vocals it is just the trick and sounds awesome.
Michael Dietel –
This is another instant classic from Stam Audio! I grabbed a couple of these SA-76 ADG’s… and am extremely happy I did. Switching between the all the 1176 versions has been incredible. They all sound so different, and the ability to alter the vibe of your program material by simply switching through each type is VERY cool. This was such a brilliant idea from Stam, and makes these an instant classic. Each version sounds incredible… the warmth and punch of these compressors is really astounding. I’m super happy!
Mark –
The SA-76ADG is a brilliant box, having 3 revisions in one. It has a rich, elegant and harmonically dense sound that will sweeten and add vibe to anything you use it on. And the price is incredible.
My only constructive feedback and the reason for the missing star are these few things. 1) The compression behavior of this box does not have the control that a typical 1176 has. If you’re looking for something to really clamp down and add smack to a source, this isn’t the box. It has the flavor of a 76 (3 different 76’s!), but the compression behavior is much gentler. 2) The detents of the input and output pots make setting levels challenging because their fine movement, especially on the input, has a very coarse effect. One detent might make a much more dramatic change than needed. Also, I have a pair of ADG’s and because of the slight differences in each unit’s input pots I can’t get them to match for a stereo pair because the detent’s leap-frog each other. 3) This is a non-issue but aesthetically, I’m not sure why the silkscreen for the revision radio-buttons are labeled “meter” when it should be labeled “revision” and the OFF button is labeled “on.”
That constructive criticism aside, I love my 2 ADG’s and won’t part with them anytime soon. Great value for the price. Thanks, Stam.
Luka –
Simple and extremely well-built compressor. I have no doubt that it will last for a long time. The fact that you are able to change between “A” “D” and “G” with just a press of a button is amazing innovation which helps my workflow immensely. Own the unit for almost 6 months now and haven’t had a regret one single time for buying it. As far as sound is concerned, the knobs are made in a way which enables me to both smoothly and rapidly dial in order to find the right level of affecting the source. Buttons are well made (no popping out or something similar). I was only surprised that unit was off when on is pressed, but, regardless, I am giving this unit 5+ stars for sound alteration and quality. Affordable and amazing outboard!!! Well done STAM.
Eric –
Great pro sound. Easy to use even if turning off and on and bypassing the compression is a little confusing. Still an amazing piece and compression wise what else do you need. Loving tracking with it
Paul Nielsen –
This is my second 1176 purchase from Stam Audio. The first being the original blue stripe (Rev A), FET model, which has happily served me well for many years especially on bass, and sometimes vocals . I couldn’t pass up on having 3 1176 revisions in one unit. I find having the extra Rev D and G option very handy. Sometimes my Stam Blue stripe REV A clamps down too quick on certain vocal consonants, so I’m now using the ADG (D/G mode), more on vocals if I need a slightly slower action, song/ tempo dependent. 95% Metal film resistors throughout, so I imagine it will sound cleaner than an original, and definitely remain more stable for 20+ years. I know Josh had to iron out some bugs with the original design of the earlier units, like mine, and it created a few headaches/ holdups.Thankfully he has a calibration procedure on the website, for people like me who have the technical ability to fix any underlying issues. After a bit of tweaking, I’m really happy with my unit now. I can see, these Stam designs improving with age, and those who purchase in the future, will reap the rewards of all the trials and tribulations due to innovation and hard work.
Bryan Dunn –
STAM -76ADG is really good. This is my first piece of STAM gear and it was worth the wait. Great harmonic distortion when you push it, subtle when you need it to be…it’s gonna get a lot of work in my studio. Build quality is excellent.
Raul Saelices –
This is my second unit from Stam, the first was the 87 mic which I´m really happy with. So when I was thinking of buying a 1176 I thought this was the better option comparing with other companies.
This 76 sounds fantastic and make his job really well, the ability to have 3 versions in one hardware is awesome, also the great sound of each of them, it gives you a lot of flexibility to compress any signal in the required way.
I also aprecciate the 2:1 ratio that allows you to be really gentle with the compression and the all buttons, this things gives more versatility to this gear.
A fantastic compressor with this really good additions that are the icing on the cake.
Visually it is a beautiful hardware, it seems to be really well constructed.
Keep on this way Stam.
Matt –
Very very cool. very good sound. release a little slower than my 1176 but it is already very very good. only one improvement, delivery times but the customer service is very cool. and always want to evolve the hardware. very good surprise to see the slow attack on mine when I didn’t have it at the start! really very cool
Tennis –
Best 1176 I’ve ever heard. Gimme like 6.
Chris Phoenix –
My ADG arrived and OH MY GOD….. this is seriously the best sounding compressor I’ve ever heard. It’s shaping things better than I’ve ever heard shaped…. no detected noise from the hardware…. can barely hear the compression. Oh my god…. Stam, you’ve done it. You’ve freaking done it!
Thank you!!! This was so worth the wait once again. Well done!!!!
niklas –
This is just such a wonderful device. I have used 1176 clones for ages and certainly liked them on vocals. However, at the same time, I have found that they have been a bit too grabby for this particular purpose.
Here the SA-76ADG adds something new. The unit is so responsive and slightly transparent in the best possible sense. In addition, it has a beautiful tone making it a fantastic vocal compressor. I also love it on electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass etc. (My other 76 style compressors are going out of the studio and into the live rig from now on.)
Will keep it forever. Many warm thanks again Stam!!