
Yoooooo... this preamp ROCKS!!! I did a massive shootout with 13 different preamps on drums, some not so expensive, some way too expensive, and it was absolutely no contest... this is THE BEST preamp for Snare Top and Snare Bottom if your playing any type of heavy music. It does some kind of transient enhancement magic that is just unmatched. I can't even understand how a preamp can enhance the transient and body of a snare without sounding woofy or tubby. If you dig that API sound but they were just a little too clean and transparent for what you're doing, THIS IS THE PREAMP YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.

Review By David Velez


This thing is unreal. Literally everything I run through this unit makes me smile. I'm really happy that Josh added the blend control on the Tube output stage as it allows for much more versatility and control. Like an 1176 it really allows one to attenuate vocals while not sounding "squashed" Good job Stam team!

Review By Michael Plante

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

I have been using the Neve version of this compressor for a while. I mostly use it on my Mix bus or Drum bus. I love the ability to switch between dual mono and stereo as well as being able to move between Modern and Vintage with the Metal knob. The Limiter function is excellent. It helps me tame my drums and get a fuller musical sound. Great job, Stam! Blessed!

Review By Zyon Odinson


This compressor is crazy good! I was skeptical about it at first. I had never used the original and did not know what to expect. I had a basic concept of where and how I would use it. However, I did not know about the sound. Boy...was I blown away when I put it in a mix. Now, it is either my go-to for my Rear Bus or my Drums. The one thing I am upset about with this device is that I did not get the Iron Modification. Man...I could really use that. Blessed!

Review By Zyon Odinson


This compressor is everything I expected and more. I have used it on every single vocal since I bought it. It overs that aggressive blue face 1176 sound with way more control. The wet/dry knob is a blessing. The quality of the device is exceptional, and all of the buttons and controllers are solid. Thanks, Stam!! You did it again for me. Blessed!

Review By Zyon Odinson


Loving my SA-78T+! This compressor is amazing on drums and anything percussive. The wet/dry option makes more extreme compressor settings very useful and the iron option adds weight and color when you need it. One of my all time favorites! Another home run for Stam Audio.

Review By Jeff O'Rourke


The SA-78T+ is literally built like a tank. Looks and feels like comps 3 times its price in my studio. The ability to switch transformers in and out is an eye opener, I used to want transformers on everything... This one is different, for room mics I mostly run it with transformers off, sounds huge, clear and wide, it really shines in this application, massive. Not just at the usual fastest attack & release squash thing but in slower settings the movement is wonderfully musical. The transformers I find well suited for very close mics, rounds the edges off. I've been barely scratching the surface with this unit but it already found a permanent spot as room magnifier. It gives weight and size without smearing transients or blurring the lower spectrum.

Review By cristo

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

It is such a great compressor, tons of mojo here, on voice it adds bass and magic in your face. A must have . Well done Joshua and Stam team .

Review By Damien Gourbere


Great unit! Better and clearer than original! Just makes everything better!

Review By Alexei

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

The MEQP-1AS+ — Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer, although it is a replica of the original Pultec Equalizer, this Stam Audio Engineering version belongs to its own league with its flexibility power sweetness based on Tube/SS feature, and its stereo processing capability. Today, no other Pultec Equalizer on market is capable of delivery to audio professionals what the Stam Audio Engineering have done. You have a winner. Bravo Joshua Stam!

Review By yaluabe

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I have just spent a day with my new SA-67, but it was apparent from the first minute of using it that it was a really high quality tube microphone. Acoustic guitars sounded full but detailed, and when I tracked vocals through it it barely needed any EQ. Just sounded smooth but present, very mix ready. I will leave this up on the stand as I'm confident that it will become a workhorse microphone for me.

Review By Christoffer Franzén

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

This SA-47F is a fantastic mic, it's now my go-to for kick out and vocals! Great job!

Review By Hugo Dupuis

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

Instead of reading these reviews, you should really be pressing the "add to cart" button. If you have filled up a couple of hundred rack spaces, there will be gear you will cherish more than others. This, along with the Stam 670, are among a handful of items you cannot replace. Things that make you sound better than you will with alternatives. Build quality is exceptional, and customer service is first rate. If you've been dialing in plugins way too long cause it's fast and easy, time to plug this into your rack and fall out of your chair. Its that good.

Review By Steven Pagano

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

I’m been chasing the sound of the Sony C800G ever since I heard it while listening to rappers like Rick Ross and Little Wayne. After searching the web for a more affordable alternative, I ended up with a Manley ref c which sounded really good but not quite like the Sony. 8 years later Slate released the VMS which emulates the sounds of the C800g amongst other sought after microphones. After using the Slate VMS I rarely touched the Manley. I was pretty satisfied with the VMS and used it exclusively. One day while doing my occasional Gear Space browsing I stumbled across the SA800g and instantly fell in love with the fact that it resembles the Sony C800g. Prior to that I had already heard about the SA800g MK1and how identical it sounded to the C800g. A month before I became aware of the new SA800g Golden Age had already released a mic which looks similar and also claimed that it sounded just like the Sony. At a 5k price tag I certainly wasn’t willing to take a gamble. After giving it some thought, I ended purchasing them SA800g. After my first few lines uttered through the mic I knew that Josh had nailed the sound of the mic that I had fell in love with. I recorded and shared a couple of songs with friends and their reactions were that I sounded more professional. While I was able to get great sounds with the Slate VMS and Manley, the SA800G got me that sound with a lot less effort. I no longer have to remove a lot of harshness via eq and deessers like I did with the VMS. I’ve never used an actual Sony C800g but I know and listen to a lot of vocals that were recorded using one. I can say without the slightest doubt that this mic has that sound that many of us fell in love with. Thanks Josh!

Review By Rony


Great sounding take on a classic pre. Addition of a tube results massive warmth/depth/color.

Review By Peter


Very effective and useful, I use it on every take 😉

Review By Stepart


All of the Blue Stripe's power and character somehow fit into a much tinier and more affordable package. It's exactly what I was wanting. A great compressor and a great dirt box when you turn off all of the ratios and drive the input. Also love that it has a Dry/Wet knob. It took me a minute to get used to gain staging while backing off the wet signal, but I got there. I'm really happy with the unit and considering adding Stam's Rev D to my lunchbox next.

Review By BSmith


Great unit, unbelievable price for the quality. It’s my 6o Stam gear. All of them work flawlessly! Thanks Stam

Review By Augusto Rodrigues


Stam Audio did a great clone. I don’t know how the electronic part has been cloned, how much “identically” is, but the sound…. That sound of a 1176 rev.A is there!!!! WOW!!!! And the distortion you can have from!!!! Amazing

Review By Franco


The 76A is my holy grail of gritty, saturated and present compressors for tracking vocals that sit right at the front of a rock mix. The Stam 500 series version is perfect for me, I have it in a lunchbox case with a handle and take it to every session I work on

Review By Adam S

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone




Grab and snap for days! PREMIUM sound at an unbeatable price, Stam's 1176 500 clones are the best on the market.

Review By Peter

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

It's been about 2 months since the SA-660 was added to my rack, and is here to stay. Top notch quality, looks great, feels good to the touch. Used on vocals and drums so far. It adds texture and sparkles, and sounds good when used subtle or overdriven. I'm a fun of saturated drums, and even saturated vocals at times, the SSA-660 does it well. I'm passing a mono drum track through it as I'm writing this, I'm driving it hot. The DC threshold is very useful, when pushing the input and threshold for example, the DC knob dialed to 6-10 allows the sound to come through with less compression, while keeping the saturation (to my ears similar to the attack knob on a 1176). For stereo tracks MID/SIDE has been a good option in combination with a 1176 style compressor. For reference, other compressors I have or have tried are: TG1 and TG1 opto, SA-2A, SA-4000mk2, AudioEscape 76a and 76d. Feels as the SA-600 does similar things as the TG1and 76a / 76d, but with its own magic. I'm happy the SA-660 exist, and I'm happy I'm here to use it and share my experience. Cheers!

Review By Blackstar

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

Amazing- absolutely amazing. Totally worth it. The build is top notch, the sound is outlandishly good. So many options and features to get the work done and move on in an instant. This thing does the job, highly recommend.

Review By King Garbage


A little goes a long ways. I am in the middle of a project and remodeling my little studio so I finally had to sit down and try this baby out. I plugged in a Les Paul and Wow! I went from a nice defined sound to distorting it. I then tried a bass through it. It was sweet! Then I ran a snare and a kick through it. I can see why people use them for drums. Then I plugged in my SA-87T, my wife heard me singing through it and thought I was listening to Bowie. She was impredded. I was stumped at the combo. I am hoping to get a FET compressor next. II was just using the SA-87T to the312-5T to my little Apollo Twin. I didn't use compression or EQ and it sounded like it could go on a record. It sounded like I imagined it would. The plug ins come close but they seem to be missing something sometimes. I have found that is more evident in mic pre- amps and compressors. Lower mid frequencies seem to muddy up. Not with this bad boy. Now if I get the FET compressor and a eq I can build a chain that would sound like I was in a big recording studio in Hollywood not in my basement. I will be getting at least one more. Thanks to Josh and the crew. You guys rock!

Review By Terry Walton


My sa-78+ is so smooth and fat. the transformer option adds lots of color and the mix knob and HPF are killer upgrades to the original. I have many Stam pieces in my studio and they never disappoint

Review By john painter The Kitchen Studios- Dallas

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

My ADG arrived and OH MY GOD….. this is seriously the best sounding compressor I’ve ever heard. It’s shaping things better than I’ve ever heard shaped…. no detected noise from the hardware…. can barely hear the compression. Oh my god…. Stam, you’ve done it. You’ve freaking done it! Thank you!!! This was so worth the wait once again. Well done!!!!

Review By Chris Phoenix


One can only agree with the other reviews. Just got two of those delivered and the sound is fantastic. Wish I´d bought them earlier 🙂

Review By Thomas

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

AMO ESTE 1073!!! gracias Stam, llevo 2 años usándolo y es increíble lo que le aporta a mi TLM 103 y a mis instrumentos por linea, la verdad que recomiendo este Clon antes que cualquier otro de los que escuche!!!

Review By COBE

MEQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

This is my first piece of Stam Gear. It arrived in Hawaii very well packed. I inserted it on my mix bus and Wow! I could use all the classic descriptions we’ve heard and it would be accurate. It looks and feels very solid. It sounds rich/full, has depth, and a more three dimensional stage from my quick A/B tests versus my favorite plugins. I love plugins. This is just a different sound, it’s similar for sure, just different enough for me to know this is what I have been searching for. So that is what I heard and this is again coming from a very satisfied long time UAD Pultec and Softube CL 1B plugin user. I am very happy with this investment, because of the sound that is coming out of my monitors. My goal has been to take my ITB mix bus. Which is a modified version of Andrew Scheps and create an OTB version. So I also ordered the SA-609 MKII & 670 MKII which are coming soon to help complete my analog mix bus chain. I’ll report back and post clips.

Review By David Stoller Whitney

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

Finally got my studio rewired and installed my new S.A. 609. in June. I had always had disappointment when doing a mixdown. Couldn't get the sound off my mixer to sound like it did on the mixer. So, I have had two months to remix a bunch of work. I don't know if the guys at Stam sent this thing with the settings that they thought were best. But I didn't have to touch a thing to get a huge new sound from my mixdown. It's so big and PUNCHY. I am scared to change it. I would love to have one on my live rig too Very nice well-built great sounding piece of equipment. Thanks, Stam

Review By jerry thompson

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

We've had the mk1 in our studio since about 2019, and it is fantastic. Crunchy or clean, it lets you dial in just what you need. Great on vocals, guitars, and we really love it on snare mics.

Review By Jake Macdonald

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

The first Stam mic I purchased around 2018 was the first rendition of this, and it put in some serious hours at our studio. We did pretty much every style imaginable, and used it for vocals, acoustic guitars, amps, room mics, and even a mono overhead. Very versatile, and an absolute steal of a deal at this price.

Review By Jake Macdonald

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

The second Stam mic addition to our studio, this thing is an absolute tank! We were immediately really impressed by the build quality, and once we stopped oogling at it and plugged it in, we were not disappointed in the least! This thing is crystal clear, and picks up every detail with stunning clarity. We've tried a range of vocal styles from quiet rappers to full belting rock singers, and it's handled them all with grace. It feels already processed the way I'd like it to sound when we print it, and doesn't leave me with much to do once it's in the box. Big time saver, and well worth it!

Review By Jake Macdonald

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

This is our third Stam mic in the studio, and I think we're all in love. Smooth, dreamy vibes on vocals. Drum room/close mic. Brass. Guitar. Everything I've thrown at it just sounds phenomenal, and blows any a/b comparisons out of the water. I can see grabbing a second in the future to have a stereo set. If you can only grab one mic, this seems like it would be a great workhorse.

Review By Jake Macdonald

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

I got to try out my new SA-87i today on some vocal tracks. Wow, what a beautiful sounding microphone. Ran it through a 1073 into a 1176F. Love It!!!

Review By Caveman Studio

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

This is probably my favorite microphone I've ever used.The sound is impeccable.I've tried alot of other mics but this one is the one for me.Unlike other clones this one has both a extended low end and high end and the mids are transparent but consistent.It does NOT sound like an imitation.This is craftsmanship.If you're looking for the C800 sound like I was don't look anywhere else this is it.Don't listen to any bad reviews, there will be a wait but Josh and his team are very professional and emailed me back often to ensure.Brilliant work STAM!

Review By Tyler

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

Two and a half years ago I ordered an SA-23A that was "in stock for immediate delivery". To cut a very, very long story short, that particular unit failed to materialise and having switched my order to something I understood was more likely to be built in my lifetime, today I finally received this Stereo Pultech. FedEx could not be faulted, it was packed in enough bubble wrap that a competent tailor could make me an extremely uncomfortable and impractical suit. On opening the box, I could see immediately that the unit is superbly well built, not to mention satisfyingly heavy, and after a cup of tea and an hour of just admiring the thing, I plugged it into my 2 buss. (This Pultech > Stam SSL 4000 buss comp > Manley Vari Mu) It sounds, to my ear, at least as good as an original Pultech. It adds warmth and weight, though it retains clarity. Among hardware EQs it is outstanding, next to a plug in, it's like watching a fight between Mike Tyson and Norman Wisdom. The mid band is incredibly useful, and the option to switch between tube and solid state options is a God-send. The knobs and switches have a quality feel, as a replica it looks, feels, and sounds the part. Now, it's taken forever to arrive, and I sense that the replies to my emails were often optimistic at best, half truths and excuses at worst, but a lot can be forgiven when you listen to the quality of this thing, especially when you consider that it's a fraction of the price of a 'real' one, and with a ton of extra features. Clearly, these things are born of passion and I can understand that the desire to innovate is a lot more of a motivation than necessarily focussing on an unimpeachable business model. The experience of ordering, then waiting for this length of time was, I will be honest, not good (nor, I gather from the internet, unique). However, the unit itself, like all my other Stam gear (mostly purchased second hand while I've been waiting) is absolutely superb. They say "Fast, Cheap, Good - pick any two" and this is both excellent value, and truly extraordinary quality. While I'm still not exactly thrilled by the purchase process, the unit itself is absolutely beyond reproach and I know it will be used on every session from now on. On balance, I'm delighted, and very excited to finally have it, hence a 5 star review. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Review By Jon Loomes


Hello, I have 2 of the SA76A-5 , I think they are Amazing , . After I received mine I liked them so much that I ordered a SA76D-5 and I know it will be great also. Also I want to say that everyone at Stam Audio have answered my many questions with kindness and sincerity. Great Company.

Review By Lonnie G

MEQP-1A+ – Analog Tube Equalizer

I finally had the chance to sit down and use the mono Stam MEQP-1A+, and find it to be a fantastic piece of kit. Along with the tube power supply, is an added MEQ-5 mid band with boost, cut or bypass option, stepped switches, and a unit that offers both a Tube and Solid State Output Stage, making it a bargain I think for the current price and would guess this hangs tight with the Pulse at less than half the cost with more options. If you’re looking for a Pultec type EQ. This is the one. 5 Stars unquestionably.

Review By M.S.

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

This is the EQ I'd wished existed for quite a long time, and now it does. It's an absolute monster of a mix bus EQ - the switchable output topologies (tube and solid state) make it so much more flexible for different genres and styles than any other Pultec-style EQ you can buy.

Review By Melissa Bell

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

Fantastic EQ for 2-bus, exactly what is expected from fine Stam gear ay its best. Enhanced functionality of this stereo eq makes it no brainer choice for pro studio.

Review By Dave Gregolino

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

I ordered the MEQP-1AS+ when it was just the EQP-1AS+. It's been a long time coming, but having finally received my unit and gotten some time in on it I can now say that it was worth the wait. This is the perfect mix bus or mastering equalizer for gentle shaping. Tube Pultecs can be a bit too soft on some material. Solid state Pultecs sometimes aren't soft enough to really make something sit down and relax. Having access to fantastic sounding implementations of both available at the flip of a switch makes this so much more flexible in use. The addition of the mid band takes this thing even further in a mastering context, with the ability to do some great sounding subtle (or not so subtle) shaping of the mids. I'm excited to take it for a spin in a stereo recording context, like drum overheads. To make a long story short - this is the unit I always wished I could have on my mix bus. It never existed. It probably shouldn't exist. It does exist though, and I'm incredibly happy to have it in the rack.

Review By Melissa Bell

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Had been using this mic for a few months now. It was clear transparent mic to begin with. Per Josh's suggestion, decided to change the tube to Telefunken EF86. Wow, with this (should I say upgrade) tube, now got one dopeass mic with this tube installed. Real warm mids and high presence is significantly noticeable compared to EHarmonics EF86 originally installed. Doing some stellar vocal productions with this mic now. Can't wait to put this workhorse to use for the next foreseeable future. This is one fantastic mic now!!! Glad I decided to get this one from Stam!!

Review By Raj Natarajan

SA-4000 MK3

i am really blown away but the sound of this unit, I got the one with the API mod , and its reallllllllllly good. it seems I need to have more STAM gear.

Review By Robert Babicz


I love my 312-5T! I mostly use it for a microphone in the middle of my drum kit that then gets sent through an 1176 - killer combo! I also like to plug semi-acoustic guitars or electric basses directly into it and drive the preamp, it gives the instruments a really big tone, nice low end and of course beautiful saturation. If you’re looking for a preamp that really colors in a desirable way, go check it out! I don’t think you can do any better, especially at the price point.

Review By Johannes


I own two of these units and use them for vocals mainly. Rich big sound I can't wait to try on Drums and Percussion. Great Product!

Review By uno19music


I own four of the 312-5T. I got them mainly for drums. But they sound great on many sound sources! I did compare them to WesAudio (Phoebe) which are also very good and sound very similar. The 312-5T are more vintage sounding. The WesAudio sounds more modern and a bit compressed. Turning up the gain 30% on the 312-5T gives me a great snare sound. Stam Audio makes great gear! I have four 1073EQ+ and three 1073-5T they really sound great and the SA-4000 compressor is incredible and the gear is affordable! The only downside is waiting for the units to arrive:)

Review By Dave


The Stam Audio 312-5T is an amazing preamp. Is my go to for bass, drums and vocals. The price was great for me too for such an amazing preamp. The costumer service from all the crew is amazing. Definitely I'm a retuning happy costumer.

Review By Gamaliel Rosado

SA-4000 MK3

I have been loving the SA-4000MK3. This is my first venture into a hybrid mixing set up and I am super impressed with the Stam Bus Compressor. It glues the sound together so well and really improves the stereo image. It feels reminiscent to pro mixes I hear that are mixed on vintage consoles. It is warm and punchy and tight. I compared every software bus compressor I have and nothing comes close to the Stam!

Review By Cedric


Such a cool preamp! loads of color. Exactly what I'm looking for when I need something tubey and gooey. Lovely pre.

Review By Ellis Forman


Great unit! Sturdy build quality and in short it sounds great. As the other reviews already mention: nice API style grit/saturation and a great range of sounds. Really adds to my preamp-palette. Thanks again to the stam people for another high end unit for really reasonable price!

Review By Lars


This pre is really really good. It's very colorful and it can be a bit much on some sources tho. 1073-5T has found it's place as my go-to for snare top mics which for me, is the most important source after overheads. It smoothes out the transients ever so slightly even in lower gain settings, but still keeps the sound forward. I love it. Really want another one when I can afford it

Review By Joona Muistola


I purchased one some years ago for fun and was blown away by the high end especially. I had to get another one immediately when I could afford it, to get a stereo pair. These are my go to pre's on overheads. They somehow make the cymbals sit perfectly and when driven gently, really help to control the dynamics and harshness. These are irreplaceable for me now.

Review By Joona Muistola


The best keeps getting better. I owned the 312-5+ and "upgraded" to the 5T. Such a beautiful signature. It's a very versatile pre that can be used on various sound sources. I love it

Review By Don Davis


I wanted a Pre with colour and character. Something with smooth saturation that could round off a little transient and tastefully add some grit. I ordered a pair of these and l gotta say first off they are extremely well built, and are the heaviest 500 series Pre Ive got. The specs on these tell the story. Now as for sound this Pre can go from beautiful smooth saturation to all out beast mode. Crank the gain, roll back the trim and hit it with a synth or guitar and these will never leave your rack. If saturation on a snare is your thing these can be pushed heavy without the bottom end falling apart and the top getting to brittle while gaining some serious headroom in the mix. Alternatively push the trim and roll back the gain for that API mid forward sound and let the transformers do their thing. The DI is really nice in these also, I have a Radial JDI but lately im using the 312-5T more as its doing something in the mid band I like. Line switch is perfect to patch these in on a drum bus or other line level sources in a mix to get some analog colour (this becomes addictive). I must get a pair of the 1073-5T next!

Review By Kim


An incredible take on a classic preamp. The tube section at the end adds a gentle saturation that really makes the mid and top range special. Love my stereo pair.

Review By Chris Leonard


Very good unit, sounds great on a lot of sources. I already bought 2 and planned to buy 2 more whenever I’ll be able to

Review By Jean Sebastien


So glad I purchased the 1073-5T unit. Such a simple piece of gear, but man...the sound is FANTASTIC! Clean, clear, punchy, and that was it by itself. I paired it with the SA-3A-5 compressor/limiter, and woohoo...get back on the horse, dude!! If this doesn't immediately sound like a record...nothing else will. I'm using it anything I can and whatever it is, it just sits perfectly in the mix. Doesn't need much EQ either. Can't recommend either one enough. You just can't go wrong. I've used the best, and this is at the top!

Review By Dave Garner


I bought one about a year ago as a colored alternative to my “clean” pres on my SSL Six. Shooting them out, the stam sounds cleaner than the six to me on lowers gain settings, and has really nice color if you drive it a bit. I’ve never had another 1073 clone or the real deal, so I can’t compare but that aside, these are great preamps at a great price. One thing is that my first one that I ordered from Stam came with the input gain switch one value off, and it needs unplugging and replugging of the DI jack each time I power it on (it’s not that way on the second one I bought). I could definitely send it in and have that repaired, but it’s easy enough to work around. Easy 5/5 for me

Review By Nick


I bought a pair of these and they are my go-to pres for everything, from vocals, to drums, to DI bass guitar. If driven, they give this fantastic colour needed in many cases. Of course they can be less coloured, but always with the signature neve sound. I never owned a neve 1073, but I'm telling you, this Stam unit is out of this world!

Review By Alexandros Lykostratis


great preamp. full of character, a bit on the "wild side" like a 73 on steroids. so be sure thats what your looking for. but then its magic, lots of presence and gain.

Review By kobi


Thanks Josh! Great pre! Love it on acoustics.

Review By Jason Wyatt

Private: V72MP

If you could pull this off in a 500 series form factor I would certainly buy a pair. Love my pair of 312-5T. I hope you you'll consider a Stam-72 single in the 500 series form factor.

Review By Bill Hawks

MEQP-1AS+ – Stereo Analog Tube Equalizer

This piece of equipment is pure gold, it puts that magical sprinkle on anything you patch it through. Use it with Stamchild on your mastering link and you will be in heaven. Now I need to remaster all my works again!

Review By Henry Lai

SA-18 – Active Summing Mixer with Transformers

There is something about active summing that you just can’t get with passive summing… the former is what the SA16 is… and somehow packed in a 1U rack form factor. Every turn of the gain knob amplifies every input and the output (vs just the output on a passive mixer + preamp setup). The L/R stereo image on the SA16 is perfectly balanced… subjectively I’ll say I’ve noticed mono tracks pop out more than my previous set-up - made me wonder if I had a slight weird crosstalk phase issue before. The american and british outputs also saturate and colorize the sound subtly but beautifully… you can clearly distinguish the difference between both output stages. The insert and mono buttons are an added plus specially if you want to patch gear in an analog fashion and avoid going through a DA/AD cycle. All in all I am super happy with my purchase and very glad I went for it. The wait was worth it. Thanks for giving me a console like sound in such a small form factor!

Review By Daniel

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Simply the SA-47 is the best Microphone I have ever owned PERIOD!! I am a professional voice-over artist, working in Voice-Over since 1995 and this mic is the best, you can work very close on it, and it has such a great response without plosives (mic popping) you can work the best out of your voice with this mic. You can work at distance, and it keeps a great full sound its awesome. Josh and your team have created a voice-over microphone that is the best. I just cant believe how good it is!!! It was completely amazing when I first heard my voice through the headphones. Allot of studios use the Neumann 87ai, the Sennheiser MKH416 the SA-47 MK III kills them. Also, I have used the WA-47 by Warm Audio, the STAM SA-47 is far superior, the STAM has a really great response in the highs, mids and a controlled natural lower end (not over done) where the WA-47 sounds muddy in the lower mids and a complete fake bottom end. There is NO comparison between the two. Great mic if you are considering buying a voice-over mic buy the SA-47, your voice will never sound better 🙂

Review By Simon

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

This preamp is a thing of beauty. So rich and full sounding. I have paired a number of top shelf mics with this and they all sounded fantastic, but the Stam SA-47 Mk3 and this preamp is a match made in heaven! Josh is an audio genius!

Review By Chuck Schubert

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This microphone exceeded all expectations! Paired with the Stam 1073MPA preamp it is a match made in heaven. This mic is THE best U47 clone period. Just spectacular. Thank you, Josh!

Review By Chuck Schubert

SA-4000 MK3

Hello, My name is Juliano. I would like to know if there is any SA-4000 available for immediate delivery (Brazil), and what is the price? If not, what is the expected arrival date? See you later.

Review By Juliano

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

In my mic collection I have a Telefunken U47 and an AKG C12VR. I have to say that SA-47 fet is the perfect companion to the other two mics. It gives me what the other two mics can not give. Honestly, this mic is incredible. It's at the same level with the other two mics that cost me 12.000 + 7.000 = 19.000 euros. SA-47 fet is the best fet mic I ever tested. It gives you all the things you expect from a fet mic. Compare to my U47 more punchy in the low and and more defined. Less character, but this is what you need sometimes. In bass cabinets sounds incredible. Also amazing in guitar cabinets. Shines with a V72 and a V76. Best value for money purchase I ever made. Built like a tank. I can't recommend it more!

Review By Dionysis Kotsakis

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

What a lovely microphone. This is the holy grail mic and finally got it. The SA 87ai sounds fantastic. It smooths out the vocals in a pleasant way. I’m sure the value of this mic will increase as the years go by. Very happy first time customer. It matches well with my BAE 1073 DMP. I also use the Tubetech CL1B compressor plugin. Thank you Josh for the outstanding customer service. Well worth the wait!

Review By JoeLSoLmusic

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

Ya tengo el micrófono en mi estudio en Bogotá Colombia realmente no puedo estar más feliz con él, en mi casillero tengo un chandler TG que era mi micrófono preferido pero este SA800G lo primero que puedo decir es su sensibilidad lo paso por un Avalon 737 y con el chandler necesitaba de bastante ganancia el stam solo es tocar un poco las perillas y la magia aparece es presente casi para lanzar una canción, las voces suenan realmente increíble gracias Joshua que gran trabajo fue un poco duro esperar tanto tiempo pero valió la pena.

Review By contacto.ocmusic

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

Got the unit two days ago. I’ve had so much fun with it on my current mix project I’ve actually not slept much. That’s how good it is, like I had originally only planned to run vocals through it. It sounded so good I was like “what about bass?” Then that sounded so good “what about kick” then snare, etc etc. Several dozen full prints later and now I’m like “what about a parallel bus for this sub mix?” Hahaha I may never leave my mix room again at this rate. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it sounds like what I dream about a fairchild sounding like. That’s the only way to really describe it. On drum overheads it immediately sounded like my favorite Abbey Road drum recordings, especially on Tom hits. I’ve always wanted to achieve that sound and never really could, but now here it is in all its glory. The DC threshold is so useful, it makes this way more than a one trick pony, with careful listening it makes this compressor a genuine workhorse. When clicked all the way over the compression behaves very aggressively and needle action on faster settings is very snappy. It almost does this 1176 peak limiter action where it grabs the worst peaks and then moves back rapidly to zero. The curve is like a hard limiter, almost brick wall feeling. Which I found immediately useful as a first stage peak reduction. So now on some tracks I’ve done two prints consecutively, one passing using the fairchild as a peak limiter, then second pass as the traditional slower moving fairchild with smooth action. The combined sound is like nothing I’ve never heard. It literally jumps out of the speaker as if the sound is wrapped in some kind of magical harmonically saturated Christmas gift. The construction on this is exceptional. I have several Stam units, and you can see the extreme attention to detail on this unit. I haven’t been this happy about a piece of gear since I bought my first tube condensor in my 20s. Like this really has changed everything for me the last few days. The only thing that could be better is if I had two of these units, dang now I want the 670!! Anyone who has longed for a fairchild, but always put it off as impossible, buy this unit. It will go above and beyond any expectation you have. Just a big heavy box of tubes, transformers, love and absolute magic. Thank you a million Josh and everyone at Stam for making an actual dream come true!

Review By Stephen Ketner

SA-4000 MK3

The product is just as I heard it on video in the Mk1 version. The compression is really effective without distorting the sound. I tested drastic compressions with a 15 dB reduction without losing the soul of the track. It's really impressive and flexible. I was looking for the sound of a G compression that I appreciate in a UAD or SSL plugin, but the SA4000 takes me much further. On the UAD plugin, the highs are closed and I end up losing as much as I gain in presence and audio rendering quality. With the SA4000, I have this presence but the rendering is relatively transparent because I keep the treble information and the sound remains clean without that slight blur found on plug-ins. I can hear the slight high-frequency saturation, but it blends in perfectly with the music. I'm finding it all to my advantage, and I think I'll find it hard to imagine working without the SA4000! Although I was aiming for an SA4000G, I'm delighted to be able to benefit from the SA4000E, which is a little more closed in the treble, but here again, the rendering has nothing to do with the plug-ins. The punch and presence just grab you. The choice is perfect, depending on the nature of the sound. With the Fairchild mod, the sound opens up towards depth for a + 3d sound, with attenuated treble and light saturation. It's a magical combination.

Review By Cadet Bertrand

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Don’t hesitate to buy one or two of these. After being a long time U67 lover and using many vintage U67’s and the most recent reissue by Neumann, the Stam does not dissappoint. It sounds like a U67, is incredibly low noise and high output, and sounds just as smooth as I’d hoped. Have loved it on drum overheads, piano, acoustic guitar, and vocals. Has beat out many other similar and higher priced mics in my collection. I have a pair and want more!

Review By Trevor


This unit is amazing! I've become a recent fan of Stam products, and like all other Stam products I own, this does not disappoint whatsoever. I purchased mine with the IRON MOD, which I would recommend to anyone considering the same. I feel like If you're intentional with how you craft and shape your sound, you won't be disappointed. As a quick example, for those interested, one of the first things I set out to record while using this was stereo micing an acoustic guitar, for a little bit of wide panned acoustic brightness, to help create a 3 dimensional sound, combined with a single mic on the guitar (so, 3 mics total, 2 on this 78T+, the other running through a Stam76 ADG). I set the 78T+ for Dual Mono, 4:1 ratio, HP engaged, Iron mod engaged, 100% wet,.Attack and Release adjusted to suit, Inputs adjusted to give me about 1-3 db of compression. It did EXACTLY what I wanted it to do (!!) It was amazing! It’s a fantastic compressor I'm very happy with it and definitely recommend getting one

Review By Peter

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

My second Stam Audio mic. NAKED: This is a great mic! Without running it through a bunch of crap. I a/b ‘d it using Grace, BAE73, CAPI, Apollo x, and UA 610 preamps. They all sound good with this mic. I liked the non colored Grace and La610 the best, which left this SA47mk3 true to itself, which is a great sounding mic without any help. It takes eq well but doesn’t need much. 1176, LA2a, CL1b, Dbx560, doesn’t really need it, this mic sounds so good naked! Great vocal tracking Mic! The workmanship on this mic and power box is really good, and a real solid shockmount, not the little flimsy one… Josh has a great ear! Thanks. Coop: home studio / musician

Review By gregcoop7

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

My first purchase from Stam, I like this SA87i better than a Neumann 87ai. I have not used the vintage Neumann 87 like the one Josh compared this to, in his video ( which sold me on this mic) it is really a no frills 87 that just sounds real good. Very smooth, no top end harshness. It takes eq really well, but you don’t need much, and also1176 and LA2a sound good with this mic, but you don’t need much , if any. Workmanship and microphone shockmount are very good. I like this mic better than the United Audio or the Warm Audio. I’m keeping it and ordered an SA47 mk3..which I am also very impressed with… see review Coop: Colorado home studio/ Musician

Review By gregcoop7


Impresionante compresor! Todo lo que pasa a través de el suena mejor. Increíble a la hora de grabar bajos, imprescindible para el tratamiento de voces! Gracias Josh y resto del equipo por este trabajo tan preciso.

Review By Pablo García

SA-18 – Active Summing Mixer with Transformers

Compré este sumador buscando optimizar el sonido de mis mezclas y masters, realmente me sorprendió el sonido que logré, además puedo usar mis otros equipos análogos como insertos, una de las cosas que más destaco es la calidez y un sonido tridimensional que es difícil de explicar, es por lejos la mejor compra y upgrade que he hecho en mi estudio.

Review By Rolando

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

This microphone sounds amazing. There was a bit of a waiting time, but it was definitely worth it. I don't have the Neumann to compare it to, however the SA-87i stands its ground nonetheless and projects the audio source in a very smooth and shimmering way. I will be back for more! My compliment to Joshua and his team for making such quality gear for a reasonable price!

Review By Tristan Huffaker


Rocking with this Pre and it's been fantastic! Stam makes hi quality products!

Review By blvkqmusicgroup

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

The SA47Mk3 sounds amazing. It's a beautiful thing that home studio owners now can get U47 sound at a reasonable price. Thank you Stam Audio!

Review By castrotomas

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Such great microphones! Have been looking for that "right" vocal mic for years and have access to lots of clones of U87, U47, C12, ELAM 251 etc. in the studio. Many of them are really good and of course they serve different purposes, but none have really hit the mark when it comes to my own voice. With these two SA-67s, however, the search is over! The wonderful and detailed midrange and the nice, balanced top make them invaluable for not only vocals but acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano etc. Hard to explain in the right words. They are simply amazing microphones! Will keep them forever! Very well done Stam! Great thanks for providing outstanding studio gear at such affordable prices!!

Review By niklas

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Just amazing, what a great piece of reincarnated gear. Silk for the ears.

Review By Sebastiaan de Kriek

SA-18 – Active Summing Mixer with Transformers

Awesome for summing, I used 16 ins with a DX 24 8 drive line input converter without using turboencabulator it works best!

Review By Francois

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

Absolutely Amazing!!! Josh makes great gear. I own the SA-2A, SA76 ADG, SA67 and now the Stamchild 660 (and I have the MEQP-1 Pultec on order). I'm using this with my Pearlman TM-47 mic into a Dizengoff Type 47 (and sometimes the D4) REDD 47 clone mic pre, into the Stamchild and then into a modded Pultech clone (which will be replaced by the Stam MEQP-1 when it arrives), with a little boost at 100hz and 5 hz (which were the EQ curves on the REDD 51 desk). I also have the Dizengoff Type 124 (RS1214 clone), which I might experiment with putting it at the end of the chain (like they used, when tracks were bounced at EMI, when recording The Beatles). This sounds huge! Very big, very rich, and sounds expensive. Not harsh. Not mushy. Clear, articulate, 3 dimensional and weighty. Vocals sound intimate, as though you were in the room with them. I've got a ton of very nice compressors. This has become my favorite. Well worth the wait.

Review By Mark Bram

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

Simply amazing, tried with the Neumann it was identical, there is no better value in recording mics than Stam! Coming back for a compressor

Review By Reeseonthekeys

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

I got this microphone last month. Due to family issues I hadn't been able to test it. Josh as he does, checked to make sure I was happy with the microphone. So, I tested it. I have used Neumann U-87 microphones. I have used a lot of high end microphones. This microphone is the equal if not superior to most. It is so clear and really captures the nuances of what you're recording. I did vocals and acoustic guitar. I just used the SA-87T directly into my DAW. It sounded like it was record ready. I used no pre-amps or plug-is. I then plugged it into my Neve 1073 and used a 1176 type plug in. It was still awesome. But I think I liked the microphones sound as is, with no pre-amps or plug ins. I have been blown away by every piece of Stam Audio gear I have tried. The SA-87T may be marketed as a U-87 clone with a tube, but it is in a class of by itself and is superior. I could go on and on about how good it sounds. And at the. end of the day that is what's important, the sound. You can't go wrong buying this microphone. Thank you Josh and the Stam Audio team for all you do.

Review By terrywalton23

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

I love this mic..plan and simple. Stam/Josh did an amazing job with this!! My other mics have been collecting dust since receiving mine.

Review By Angelo "Ace'Lo" Jackson

SA-4000 MK3

Finally it came and after listening I realized that this is a dream come true ,it slaps you in the face like Mike Tyson got he 2520 mod and it sounds pristine ,just the treshold reaction is little to fast sometimes i would like bit less the minimum +15 on the E compressor around 3-4 dB more treshold so it dont compress @+15. but soundwise you get 5 stars from me and build quality also 5 . cant wait for me other gear to arrive Thanks Josh

Review By david.siau

SA-4000 MK3

Unit received! At a first glance, this piece of gear looks like and feels like a beast. Solid, heavy, 14 inches deep, great quality feel on all components including knobs. And then you turn it on and the pleasure continues, your song becomes whole - it becomes music. Cohesiveness, saturation, mid punch (i took the API mod) its all there. I've tested it on my mixbus for now with a Drawmer 1974 stereo parametric EQ, great tools, great sound. Thx Josh and STam, you killed it!

Review By STUdio 99


To be honest, am not a very professional sound engineer. I am just a hobby musician, Stam audio really engineers their products so good, that even with my little experience, am able to make brilliant mixes. Often professional sound engineers have asked me, what gear I use, and who mix it. All I can say thank you Stam 🙂

Review By Jasper Lawrence

SA-4000 MK3

I received my SA4000 MK3 and my God what a unit. Very well packaged and clean looking. Knobs rock solid. The SA4000 MK3 blew my mind within one minute of using it. The G-series mode is incredibly glassy and pristine. The E-series is super punchy and exciting. Drums come forward and the bass gels perfectly into the mix. I'll probably stop using a multi-band compressor on the master bus now since this comp does much more for my mix than any compressor plugin ever could.

Review By Maximilian

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

this mic is the only thing i d be saving if my house would suddenly burns down. love it so much.

Review By Max

SA-18 – Active Summing Mixer with Transformers

This thing sounds like a console! I've been using Dangerous summing for 2 decades, and I was very happy until... I a/b-ed some drum tracks through my usual summing setup, then through the SA-16 with the British Mod. The bottom is tighter and not as splayed sounding, but still huge. The snare sounds more alive as well. BIG improvement. I just worked on a nice old Neve console last week, and the Stam yields that familiar sound.

Review By Jamie Sitar

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I'm really impressed with this SA-67. It sounds great! It's hard to believe, but I prefer it over the Neumann U67RI that I previously owned. Anyway, thanks for building quality products at an affordable price.

Review By Matt Stivers

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

I started with stam audio hardware with the sa2a comp, i was blown away !!! So i was confident in the quality of stam audio. When i received the SA 87T mic, it was like an incredible sensation. All i was looking after was there, and more !!!! Natural sounding, incredible and accurate bottom, perfect mediums, and the high is just so smooth and Never sibilant. Depth, power,... i couldn t be able to have enough words to say how this mic is great, the best of all i ever heard. Stam audio people are reactive and very very kind also. Our studio will get more stam audio for SURE 😊😊😊

Review By Melopsmusic

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

I bought a pair within days because Josh sent me one to test and they are some of the most unique and powerful mics I have heard. I own over a hundred mics including Vintage Neumann’s. Genuine C800G’s and most you can imagine, it’s crazy but when I heard these they blew about 90% of my locker away. They sound huge, larger than life and unlike anything else. I’ll be using them on vocals, drums and lots of various instruments, they’re a new staple in my live room and I’m really excited. Cheers Josh!

Review By paulcheeba

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

My mistake up above you see 62 bad eyes quote "ridiculously unique" means in reference to the u87+ I hope that makes sense

Review By Michael Vanzetten

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

Once again Joshua has nailed a unique treasure a tube U 87 ha that's Josh all over who would think of it , this young mastermind has its ridiculously unique people say it's an u87ish u67ish 800 ish no it's simply its own thing that works !! Now let me tell yah I live in Australia I'm 62 I say this because when I first looked at Stam Audio it was pre COVID and I was worried dealing with, out of all places Chile with a young dude claiming what he claims in regards to his products , But let me tell you through my dealings with Joshua thru all the tough days Joshua is rock solid a beautiful person that stands with integrity reg his honesty. Now I own the Stam sa3a, sa47 mk1, sa23a+ , sa800g and now the u87t , let me tell yah none of them will be up for sale until I croak it! What I look for in audio gear so I hope this helps you I'm not big noting myself but I work hand in hand with BBC and ABC audio techs I look at componentry Stam is stacked with it I like to see things of creditable value such as Sowter transformers ,Ami tranny's the capsules he uses are always up with latest best , Also the wiring soldering is impeccable that means a lot a real lot reg noise and reliability issues now these old ducks who build for me lol they know their eyes are failing so hats off to the young At the end of the day if you wan,t real value I am very happy with what I got sure I'm not bagging other companies I love Audioscape their excitement and their products but I can only say what I know in regards to the workmanship and the component level of Stam in comparison to expected standards of former BBC protocol of work they would commission out to audio builders and Stam Audio would very tidyly cut thankyou , I give the rights to Josh to give my email to anybody genuinely interested please note I'm not affiliated or I have not met Joshua but I give credit where it's due

Review By Michael Vanzetten

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I have received my 1073 EQ+ Mk2 last month. What can I say? This thing is incredible. I haven't worked a lot with legendary analog gear before (altough I had a nice Daking Mic Pre myself) but I now understand why so many people praise the Neve sound. Each takes I make with this beauty are incredibly thick, organic yet open and detailed. Plus the build quality is astonishing. Thank you so much Josh and congratulations for your impeccable work!

Review By Benjamin

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

I received my Stamchild mono 660 a short time ago and here's my initial experience so far. While I'm sure the mk1 sounded very good, It’s hard for me to imagine it beating the mk2 with the added DC threshold knob that seems to be a combination of knee and ratio control so you can go from hard knee/higher ratio to soft knee lower ratio or in-between. the wide variable effect it has on the signal is a very nice option to have in how it effects the transients. I used a prerecorded vocal and ran it through the Stam 660 at different settings and compared it to my other compressors also. After comparing the mk2 circuit with DC Threshold in my 660, I found the stamchild dimensional, and slightly bigger in size or sonic footprint at times than my other comps. It was a little more open and depending on how you set the DC Threshold you could go from huge and pillowy to harder knee and more compression. The Stam 660 also seemed like it could handle the initial attack of louder bursts at times a little better and I also thought while some of my other compressors sounded very good, it seemed like there may not be as much room for later processing after using them, while the Stam sounded like it would allow you more room sonically for multiple passes of gain reduction if you wanted it without degradation. 

The other thing I think I noticed at times with the Stam 660 is it seemed like it had a little more height sonically than some of my other compressors. Hard to explain that I know and it can be subtle for some but since we tend to hear high harmonic content as “up” and low harmonic content as “down.” The vertical scale seemed a little taller or broader than some of my other comps. I think the Stamchild 660 is quickly becoming my new favorite vocal compressor finding it can be huge, dimensional, with different curve options with its DC Threshold than I otherwise have in hardware and it seems very forgiving over all. I am very impressed with the Stam 660 and what the DC Threshold brings to the table and this may be my favorite Stam product of all.

Review By MS

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Well I finally got one, I bought it slightly used on reverb. Let me say this, I’ve had the real thing as well as the BAE 1073. This sounds the best to me. This has a really nice 3d sound to it, very clean with nice warm lows, and soft highs. I’m very impressed with Stam’s quality, I’d recommend this all day long.

Review By Pete Lord

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

Hola stamaudio, quiero saber si hacen envíos a Chile?

Review By Max Lavín González

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

It was PITA waiting for 670 mkII to reach my Hollywood studio, but understandable given that Stam team was overwhelmed with orders at time. I tested it straightaway with my proven favorites Thermionic Culture Phoenix, Tube Tech CL2A and DW Fearn VT7. The first, second and all following impressions are always same yes, this is it !! This piece of real estate is to stay here and do its duties on mixbus of 48 ch Neve analogue console. It can compete with anything bellow the skies. No 10k+ USD tube compressor is a threat to Stam's Fairchild 670 mkII. It is among 10 best purchases I made in 30 years. Kudos to Joshua and team for this achievement.

Review By Dave Gregg


When do y’all plan to put more of these units back on the shelves? I’m eager to purchase a pair for myself!

Review By Steve keys


I am just starting to build up an analog front end to start processing sounds on the way in and the pair of SA 3A-5's have been integral to my stereo chain. With the LA4 option and the gain MOD, I can do everything from subtle control on stereo acoustic guitars, to more aggressive uses on loud sources like multi mic'd guitar amps. I have this racked up with a pair of 1073-5T and RND551 EQs and couldn't be happier.

Review By Mike Donaldson

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I'm absolutely loving it and using it every day! This thing is a game-changer. The sound quality is top-notch, and it's become an essential part of my setup. Regarding the V/M cap, I prefer the sound when it's pressed down. Adds a sweet warmth to the source. The combination of the 1073 and my SA-76 ADF is truly magical. It brings out the best in my recordings, adding that extra punch and clarity. I'm absolutely thrilled with the results.

Review By Lucas

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Wonderful preamp and eq, lots of colour choice, very well build, great service from Stam. I use it everywhere for tracking vocals, guitars, mixing, master bus, it's so great. Vintage vibe and analog sweetness to my digital mixes and it looks great. Very happy with my 1073 EQ plus mk2.

Review By Patrick Pleau

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

As a singer and someone with a very discerning ear (mixing and mastering is my day job), I've never quite found the microphone that suited my voice perfectly until now. I find myself just compressing, no EQ required. The 87T has beautiful low end warmth and a perfectly sweet, smooth top end. The mids are slightly scooped which at least in my voice gets rid of all of the unneeded mud. In shirt, I'm in love with this mic and this will definitely not be my last piece of gear from STAM

Review By Spencer

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

So...this was my very first purchase with Stam Audio and because of how great this mic sounded, I decided to purchase more items. I have used the newer model of the U87 and the vintage version and I have always thought the vintage version sounds way better. It always presented more warmth where the newer version just had too much highs. Well, in my humble opinion, Stam hit a home run with this one! This SA-87i sounds almost identical to the warmth I hear from the vintage U87. Blessed!

Review By Zyon Odinson


I was a bit hesitant to purchase this replica of the 1176A because you never know if it is a true replica of the limited 25 1176A's that were produced. However, after using these for a few weeks. I do not care which version these were replicated from. They are amazing on my vocals, kick, and snare. It is a toss up between these and my 1176N for vocals on every mix. The control over the attack and release and the ability to execute the ALL IN function makes this item a complete win.

Review By Zyon Odinson

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

I have had my system for a couple weeks now and I must say that I am beyond impressed with the quality of this compressor. I have been using the Waves and UA plugin version of the Fairchild 670 for years. I have always loved the color it smoothness it brings to my mix or master. Now that I have bought this box, thanks to Josh Stam (deeply appreciated), my clients are even more amazed by the sound of their music. Additionally, making the switch from plugin to analog was totally easy because all of the controls are stepped and can be easily recalled. Blessed!

Review By Zyon Odinson

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

1073 do Stam sem duvidas tem uma saturação divina perfeito para minhas captações de voz, pratos de bateria e guitarras, adoro o grave do transformador Sowter.


SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

A U87 and C800 hybrid? This should be interesting.

Review By Kenneth Bailey

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

incredible mic! thanks a lot!

Review By Wanja Slavin


I have two of these and LOVE the sound!

Review By Paul Svenson

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

My first mic pre, lost my analog virginity with this unit. I’ve been around a bit now with a lot of other nice preamps, and “the Stam” as it gets called here, never disappoints. Love it with rode NTR ribbons in a nice room on piano, love with room mics for drums, love it for everything.

Review By Justin

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I bought two 1073EQ+ MK2 units and I'm pairing them with two SA-76D+ compressors. These magical pieces of gear are giving me the sound and versatility that I always dreamed of. The EQ on these units let's you sculp the sound in endless ways and the compressor has become a swiss army knife in my studio (the SLO function and the tube option have taken these units to another level). So far I've recorded drums (kick and snare), acoustic guitars, electric guitars and vocals achieving wonderful results (I can't wait to test these babies with more instruments). In terms of built quality they are definitely built like tanks. You can tell that a lot of work and effort has been put in to make sure they meet the highest standards. Hopefully they will still be doing their job long after I'm gone. I would also like to add that I'm extremely grateful with the Stam Audio staff for being so kind and helpful. I was treated more like a friend rather than a mere client. Hope you find this review useful and make lots of music with whatever gear you have. We are living in a wonderful time for music production! We now have access to gear, plugins and sounds that in the past, only the big studios could afford! Cheers!

Review By Camilo

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

This is the real deal. When using this mic there were a couple times when tracking that I had a moment of deja vu where the vocals sounded like vocals from popular records. I don't normally have the feeling during the tracking stage but the vocals end up being polished right out of the gate with little eq.

Review By Cameron


sounds good on everything. can be extremely spanky on guitars and vocals or subtle, also fantastic on piano and drum overheads.

Review By Griffin

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

The Sa-87i is an absolute beast! I put mine side by side with my U 87 AI & they both sound identical, that’s crazy! Definitely my new « go-to » mic!

Review By Berg Whyliams

SA-87T- Tube Condenser Microphone

I received this mic in early March, 2023. I have tested it on vocals and as a room mic and it has exceeded all expectations! The tube stage adds a richness that is blended well with the more typical U87 sound, not overly "tube" sounding, not under-stated either. Bass response is solid, top end is shimmery and airy more so than a standard U87. The mids are where this mic stands out compared to a solid state U87. It has more of a U47 quality than a U67 quality, in a very good way. This mic is incredible regardless of price and with the reasonable price point I highly recommended it! I have owned and frequently used a Neumann U87, a U47, and an M269 so my ears know the originals. The SA-87T is a blend of the highest quality legendary mics and unlike other offerings in the market. It is versatile and suitable for a huge range of applications. I ran it through a bunch of mic pres (Avalon 737, Stam 1073 MPA, Stam 312t, Heritage HA-73EQ, CL 7602 MKII, Manley Core, Focusrite ISA, Daking, SSL, Chandler, and UA 4-710) and they all added different colors showing the versatility of this mic. Way to go Josh! I should have purchased a pair!

Review By Matt Corsi

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

I was a bit hesitant to buy straight from the company, I'm suspicious of items made in batches, it takes lots of money up front and sometimes puts you on a waiting list for parts to come in. However, Stam was perfect with the handling of my order. It took only two days to get to Viginia, USA from Chile! The mic is just like the videos I watched, like a Neumann, and able to be used as one would a paintbrush for any sound quality I want to capture. Great quality, less expensive and quite frankly better than most other mics in this category. Joshua was always prompt with answering my questions, great customer service, really nice experience. 100% A+

Review By Bryan Bridges

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

This has become my favorite mic pre! Took delivery several months ago and have been comparing to a number of "classic" mic pres and this keeps beating everything I put up against it. Love it on female vocals, acoustic guitar, clean electric guitar, snare, room mics, drum overheads. Works well with large diaphragm tube mics, SDC's, dynamics, anything I throw at this amazing piece of gear just sounds good.

Review By Matt Corsi

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

This microphone will no doubt replace my Neumann U-87 and my Telefunken AK-47 as my "go to" mic in my mic locker. I'm running it through a Neve 1073 MicPre, matching 1073 EQ and 2264ALB Compressor into Pro Tools and it sounds fantastic. The top end is very smooth and not too harsh or edgy and it is crystal clear on female vocals.

Review By Mike Moore


I got this pre last month and tested it against console NEVE pre - I wasn't disappointed at all! All electricity is at a top-notch level and the sound is just beautiful and jaw-dropping! Can highly recommend this Pre!

Review By One Step Studio

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

Excelente micrófono, sin lugar a dudas una de las mejores inversiones que eh hecho en mi estudio. Ya grabé mis primeras canciones con el y las voces suenan fenomenales. Muchas gracias por tanto Stam Audio!

Review By Celec Frankenstein

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

A great sounding microphone. Sounds exactly how I'd expect. Very bright and clear but not overly sibilant or harsh. Built like a tank as far as I can tell. Definitely would recommend for anyone looking to get the Sony C800G sound. For reference I got version 2 with the heat sink on the back and the standard, solid state, power supply. Would have gotten the tube upgrade for power supply but cash was tight at the time but no regrets with how great it sounds so either way.

Review By Jeremy Goddard

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

This is the one right here. Shipping was fast from the mic being in stock so no long wait there. Holding the mic has great weight and build quality right from the jump. I did my first recording today and I am amazed at how my vocals sound raw. My vocals are full sounding in all frequencies and the top end sounds amazing. Not harsh or sibilant at all. Very smooth. I did not have to do much processing at all for my vocals compared to the other mice I’ve used. I’m very amazed at how this sounds. Even though I’ve never used an 87 before, this mic gives me the exact quality I was looking for out of my vocals. I primarily record rap vocals so this sounds perfect to me. Highly recommended. Amazing job on building this mic.

Review By keelsj83

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Le 1073 EQ + Stam : enfin du gros et beau son, très bien équilibré pour chacune des notes que l'on joue avec ce préampli c'est limpide et puis dès que l'on appuis sur EQ, alors là c'est la cerise sur le gâteau, tout se transforme au fur et à mesure des balayages de fréquences sans jamais être déçu des possibilités tellement nombreuses, c'est toujours que du bon son, on redécouvre notre instrument de musique. Merci à Neve pour le master du 1073 EQ et à Stam de nous permettre d'y gouter pauvre que nous sommes.

Review By Yan Grill

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

I'm a guitarist-I play sessions for people all over the world, in my home treated studio. The best acoustic guitar sound I had gotten before was on many sessions at P Diddys studio in nyc, on a vintage Neumann U87 into a Neve 1073. I recorded acoustic gtrs through my Stam Audio Sa-87i which arrived today, into a Stam 1073 mpa. I no longer need to go anywhere to get the richest, most expressive acoustic gtr tracks that fit perfectly in a mix (with a little eq & compression). Thank you Joshua! You are an artiste. I never liked the 87ai I'd used on many sessions in other studios. This SA-87i gives me the acoustic guitar sounds I've always hoped for. I'll try it on vocals mañana...

Review By Alan Schwartz


I have was blown away by the sonic quality of this unit combined with Sa800 the Sa3 sounds amazing

Review By James

SA-18 – Active Summing Mixer with Transformers

No doubt this will be a great product - with many great summing boxes from different manufacturers this one adds the 3 top dog console sounds in one box - brilliant !!! . Stam Audio is known for top quality gear without breaking the bank ... '-)

Review By Julio 'Fragancia" Abreu


Excellent preamp with lots of character. Once you get into the >55 gain levels, the sound really starts to saturate in a pleasing way, and in conjunction with the Trim knob you can set your desired output level. The distortion the unit generates when pushed is not suitable for all scenarios, but one can simply turn the gain down and it maintains crystal clarity, while still sounding "solid" and hefty. I'm an amateur with 10 years of recording experience, but can easily say this is top quality gear.

Review By Martín Cantolla

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Absolutely great mic, been my go-to workhorse for a couple years now (beforeMK3, but still). Use it for vocals, but also on basically all sources now because it just sounds awesome on everything. Very impressed, these guys are definitely doing it right!

Review By Remy

SA-87i – Condenser Microphone

I can’t wait to receive the microphone. I have the SA-87 and I had to get the SA-87i knowing this one is going to be the best one. I know Josh has made this microphone to sound amazing. Can’t wait to record with it!

Review By Araks

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

The SA47 MK2 is just as amazing and beautiful sounding as all of these reviews attest. It’s my go-to for vocals and acoustic guitar. I’m very happy with the purchase- highly recommend!

Review By Ben

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

I went from vintage V76’s to Vintech 1272’s, to Aurora Audio GTQ2, to UAD unisons. I will never use a software mic preamp emulator again.I don’t do this for a hobby, So-I went to test out the 1073 mpa with a Shure 57-I didn’t feel like rigging up my KILLER STAM SA-47 mk2 for a preamp test. I sang a little (I have a kind of gravelly Greg Allman voice) I was like “Are you f#%*ing kidding me?!? This sounds like a high end tube mic!” It’s Josh with his sonic wizardry. A 57! I won’t even use a 57 on my guitar cab…(Ribbons) For me, this is THE 1073 to have.

Review By ALAN

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

2 years after my purchase I still love my STAM EqP1A's!!! My Music sounds 3D when ran thru these EQ's. I have 2 for the Stereo Bus when Mixing But, I also use one on my Acoustic Guitar chain and one on my Vocal Chain while Tracking...They're pretty incredible... I decided to upgrade to NOS Tubes in one and left the stock JJ's in the other to A/B, Surprisingly the JJ tubes sound REALLY good... I am very pleased with Josh and the Crew and I now own 6 STAM pieces and Love all of them! (SA-87 Mic, 2x EqP1A's, SA-4000 Stereo Comp, 33609 Stereo Comp, SA-312-T Tube Pre 500 series) WORTH THE WAIT, Plan on waiting 3 to 6 months for your stuff and you'll be happy when it arrives a little early! Thanks to Josh and the Entire STAM CREW, I will be ordering another very soon!!, RK

Review By robbierole1970


Je suis impressionné par le rendu de cette machine au format 500, c'est un vrai plaisir à utiliser ! Il y a toutes les options qui sont également disponible sur le format rack : all butons in, combinaison des différents ratios, temps d'attaque rapide etc. Et le grain est juste sublime, la saturation apportée sur les voix est juste parfaite, et sur le kick c'est également un pur plaisir. Bref, si vous cherchez un module 500 pour avoir un 1176 rev A, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut, je le préfère largement à celui proposé chez IGS. Si vous voulez une chaine pour la voix, combinez le avec le module Vocal Leveler de chez Tegeler et là c'est juste parfait !

Review By Romain Villeneuve

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

It's truly stunning. Easily my favorite microphone i've recorded through. Dripping with character yet modern and forward in the mids. Highs are butter. Never tried a real elam251 but I can see why it's a classic!

Review By RJ

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I bought a SA47 it took 3 weeks to arrive but was damaged in shipment capsule was loose…Stam sent it out for repair right away and refunded me…I never got a chance to hear it but I picked up a 2019 SA87 with Heiserman HK87 Capsule with Sowter transformer for a good price and I’m really impressed with it…It’s crisp and clear…Sounds Great on it’s own and also paired with my SHURE KSM44 it’s built very well…sounds great on E Guitar and it’s my new work horse! It has some heft to it and it’s mic holder is also bold and tuff looking! I’ve always wanted this microphone and Josh made that possible I will never sale it! Thanks so much Stam Audio I look forward to doing business with you again! Those Fed Ex guys just throwing boxes ? I tell ya! I sold a Avantone CV-12 to partly fund this…This Mic kicks the shit out of that mic! Don’t even think about it just get one!

Review By Franklin Rosell

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

Obtuve este micrófono en su versión primera y fue WOWWWW una bomba en mis grabaciones vocales, con unos agudos suaves y cremosos coloco la voz masculina en su lugar en la mezcla rock. Es un gran micrófono desde su construcción hasta su sonido, una calidez que solo el tubo genera y con un gran sonido gordo y lleno de armónicos naturales. Excelente trabajo Chicos de Stam. pronto espero tener un Compresor 1176 en versión Stam. Saludos !!!!

Review By Ricardo Cifuentes Levin

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Despite high expectations, I was blown away by this microphone. It sounds remarkably three dimensional and the top register doesn't just cut through the mix - it sounds absolutely lovely. A fantastic vocal mic!

Review By niklas

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Got my SA 47 in June. Only had experience with some of the TLM Neuman's and the Blue mics and some of the other clones of the 47. The SA 47 had the pronunciation definition and dimension that I had not experienced from other microphones. Also, couldn't find an eq setting or a preamp that would bring out those missing frequencies until now. I guess they weren't there to bring out to begin with. It pleased me so much. I bought my second SA 47. Due in September Spent my SA 33609 money. But I got a couple of months before they are available. Thanks, Stam Audio. I really Like your Microphones. Jerry Thompson

Review By Jerry Thompson

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Stam has done an incredible job on the SA47 MK2. This has become my go to microphone for vocals, room and mono drum kit. It's hard to make to make this microphone sound bad! It honesty sounds good on just about any sound source. It has a huge amount of low end, powerful mids and clear highs. I have been lucky enough to use a real 47 and I must say the SA-47MK2 is every bit as responsive and detailed when using a qualty preamp. I have been blown away at how little EQ is needed on lead vocals. There is an enormous amount of presence in the midrange that gives whatever you are recording an authorative and immediate quality. I had a small probelm when the micropehone first arrived and Stam coverd the cost of shipping and repairs. This was my first purchase from Stam and I would have no probelm making another!

Review By Lucas

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I bought the SA-47 MK2 and it is amazing! Sounds really beautiful, fits perfect for my voice I also have the SA-47 mk1. That was the best microphone for my voice I ever heard. But the SA-47 mk2 was even better even more full and filled a perfect warm undertone in my voice. Singing through this microphone feels like cheating.and a weight has been lifted. It makes you sound so much better. I love this microphone and that it was even better than the MK1 is unbelievable. I also think that people should chill on them for being slow with delivery. I do understand they have to take a long time to make them to get that kind of quality products. And it's a small team, I don't mind it takes long personally. I run a business myself and must admit deadlines goes many times overboard. Especially when you depend on different resourses to build. Thank You Stam Audio for such Amazing products 🙂

Review By Ringo Christiaan Van Droffelaar

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I have been an sa-87 user since 2017. I have the version that still incorporated the eric heiserman capsule. I co-owned a small studio in Dallas from 2017-2020 called The Bear Factory. This mic showed up on basically every project we did. Whether pop and rap vocals, male and female, voice over, drum overheads, guitar cabs, bass cab, acoustic guitar, etc, even horns. It was on everything. I’ve since moved to Houston and rebuilt a small home studio and this mic sits permanently on my desk next to my chair. It’s the first mic that records most of my ideas or the ideas of artists that come by. Sometimes it gets replaced, but usually most of the tracks stay in the session. I recently became an owner of the sa-47 mkii, and the sa-251, both brilliant mics and reviews will be forthcoming after I have more time with them. But I’ve had 5 years now with the sa-87, and I plan to keep it the rest of my life. I’ve used the vintage u87s at Palmyra studios in DFW along with a pair of U87ai’s that belonged to the late great Lee Schloss (RIP). This mic doesn’t really sound like either of them to me, it sounds much better. It delivers transients exceptionally well without harshness, BUT it also has a low midrange character thing going on that the vintage 87 and AI do not possess. In omni it’s very very flat sounding and is excellent on horns and piano in that setting. 10 out of 10 recommend. This mic will definitely fill the hole in your studio that any 87 offering normally would, and much much more. Yes, I remember this mic took a minute to show up at my door. And it had a small noise issue when it arrived. Josh quickly got me in touch with a tech and he fixed it easily, something had come loose in shipping from Chile. The mic has responded perfectly in hundreds of hours of sessions since for over five years. There’s the old adage things can be cheap, fast and good but never all three at once. Josh is sometimes slow, but he is a tiny company, he’s grown a lot over the last decade, he’s a true gentleman if you ever get to speak to him directly, he also has a great sense of humor and is very self aware. Don’t go sleeping on Stam. You may wait a little longer than usual for replies to emails and products may be delayed. Get over it. You can go spend 3-5x times as much for an inferior product who answers your emails slightly more promptly. That’s rad if that’s how you roll. I like things that sound good. Emails don’t record great sounding records, but a great sounding mic certainly does. Emails don’t inspire me to make better music. And no artist has ever come to me and sang through this mic after getting the take of their life and said “shame the manufacturer doesn’t answer emails faster.” There’s are really non-issues in the grand scheme of your career as an engineer and producer. The inspiration I get from this mic is not. It puts food on the table and gas in my car. Thank you Josh and the whole Stam family!

Review By Stephen Ketner

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Received the new MKII version and got it right to doing it's job recording a male and female vocal. STAM absolutely nailed the sound of the vintage 47. Back in the 90's I used to own a vintage U48 which we had to sell off due to the declining studio business. Based off memory, the STAM gave exactly the same vibe as the Neumann. The mic was solid and well made. My only complaint is that the power supply case is made of softer metal, the screws were not able to be screwed tightly and the toroidal transformer came off loose during shipping but tech support helped me get it fixed right away 5 *****. For the price, it's unbeatable value. Much appreciation to Joshua and his team for working so hard to bring these awesome tools. I also orderered a SA251 but thats a story for another day. - A STAM fan.

Review By George Leong

SA-76D Plus – Analog FET Compressor

We’ve been in the recording industry since 1987. We have 2 Neve consoles. Great classic microphones and outboard gear everywhere. We have an original 1176 Rev F and when I unboxed the Stam 1176 D+, patched it in and listened I was almost in tears. This thing is for real and I didn’t miss the original 1176 at all. This Stam version will be busy at work in any rack: and the tube circuit was another beautiful option. We were so blown away we immediately ordered an additional unit. Thanks Stam!!! It was worth the wait.

Review By LG Brown Hamilton

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This mic is beyond my expectations! I've sung on 47s, so I am familiar with them. Unfortunately I don't have one in my mic locker to compare... but this is it! It has a 3 dimensional quality I cant put into words. Its beautiful! Magical! Crazy amazing!

Review By Billy North - Russel Road Studio

SA-76D Plus – Analog FET Compressor

I've tried so many clones against my UA 1176D and this SA-76D+ sounds better! It packs a few extra features that make this compressor more versatile. The tube output stage adds 3D and harmonics. The SLO feature on this unit is very useful especially on a bass guitar and synth strings and pads. The SA-76D+ just sounds expensive compared to other unit I've tried. I really like the direction Stam Audio is going with their additional tweaks to the classics. This unit makes everything sound nicer just by passing through the circuit.

Review By Vahe

SA-47 MK2- Tube Condenser Microphone

In 1996 I was doing a performance ( I am a singer) for the son in law of an old piano-teacher. The old man was a very friendly person and he said (after I set up my p.a. system) to look around freely in his studio. So I did and in the corner I saw a videocamera with next to it a microphone on a stand, which was a Telefunken ELA M 251. At that time the only expensive microphone that I knew was a Neumann U87. The old man told me the microphone was too sensitive for his camera and he wanted to sell it. As I was at that time busy building my own studio I thought it could be something for me so I bought it from him for 500 dutch guilders. When I came home I rang my son who was a teacher at a multimedia school and asked him if he knew this type of microphone. A very nervous colleague of my son rang me back within 5 minutes and offered me to swap the Telefunken to any microphone of my choice and I said I'd swap it for a Neumann U87. He was an honest guy and said he would do better and offered me a Neumann U47.I was not familiar with that microphone yet in those days, but he advised me to look it up on the internet. When I did I thought he was pulling my leg as there was a Neumann U47 for sale on it for 19.000 dutch guilders (at that time that was around $ 9.500 ) and I thought who would offer me an expensive mic like that for one I bought for only 500 guilders? The guy told me the Neumann had a better sound than the Telefunken, but the Telefunken was rarer for collectors, and he was a true collector, he had lots of Neumanns in his studio I saw, when I went to his house to make the swap. I used the U47 for 8 years and then the tube went dead. Finding a new one for a reasonable price was impossible, they were offered to me for over 3.000 (in the meantime now Euro's) So I sold it and regretted it afterwards ever since.... Thanks to STAM AUDIO I feel I have it back now. As soon as I set up my new SA 47 MKII I went wild !! Oh boy the sound is amazing!! And due to my impatience for the long wait I saw it was directly available at Gear4music so I bought it there and received it two days later. I wanted to cancel the order at stam, but just at that moment I received a track and trace for it ! So that one arrives to morrow and I decided to keep it too, so I will be the very proud owner of TWO SA47 MKII What a great mic this is !!

Review By Ad Swart

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

The SA-47F is fantastic alternative for the SA-47 Tube, in case you want less colour for your vocal tracks. It's an amazing microphone for basically everything, but it's unbeatable for vocals, acoustic guitar and bass drum. Again, great job, guys!

Review By s.m.jozsa

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

What an awesome mic this is! I have already recorded many guitar and bass tracks with this mic. Sounds crisp and warm. Really transparent, the true sound that I had been yearning to get, and this mic does it! I recorded an acoustic 12-string tracks the other day, wow, this mic made a ton of difference. Makes my tracks standout in the mix easily! I highly recommend!!!

Review By Raj Natarajan

SA-76ADF – Analog FET Compressor

SA-76ADG this version is on or?

Review By Hubert

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

An amazing mic!! I already own a SA-47, a SA-800 and a SA-87 and like all STAM mics also the SA-47FET is absolutely state of the art. Perfect on kick out, bass amp, female vocals.

Review By Riccardo Mazza

SA-T69 – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Big, war, tight... Love this on drums and guitars so far... Electric and acoustic. EQ points are perfect for fast tweaking...

Review By Mark

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Yup, couldn't agree more with the other reviews. It looks, feels and sounds amazing. This mic is a career investment. Trust me, when clients hear just how lush and beautiful their voices sound with this mic, they will return to your studio. At least they did in my case and It has already paid for itself. I did compare it with a Telefunken ELAM 251, the differences in my opinion are negligible to the point that it would be irresponsible to spend 8-9k more getting the Telefunken. It excelled with all the mic pres I have thrown at it; Neve 1073 (gorgeous), Sound Devices Mix Pre (this was one of my favorite pairing), SSL Six 500, Warm Audio TB500, a vintage EAG pre (this pairing sounded glorious) and finally a classic - Sunset Sound Tutti 500 (incredible historical pairing). If you somehow find it available and you have the resources, I highly recommend it. This mic is a no-brainier in terms of value and workmanship. With the $$$ you'd be saving, certainly invest in a classy pre if you don't have one.

Review By Nehi Ayere

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I’ve only had this mic for a few weeks now, but I love it! Now, I’m no pro, just a guy who likes to record at home and friends, but with this mic I’m making recordings that sound pro. I recorded a song for my uncle last week and used the SA-87 for his vocals, I was blown away with the smooth sound. He told me this is the first time he’s ever really liked how his voice sounded on a recording. I recorded it in a basement, but it sounds like it came out of an expensive studio. It sure makes recording easy when you have quality mics like these to work with. What a gem of a mic, super awesome for the price. I’m going to buy another one so I can have a pair of them. It does take some time to get, but it is truly worth the wait, I’ll tell you what. A superior product, indeed! Get two right off the bat, you’ll thank yourself.

Review By Patrick Neville

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Just got my SA-47 MKII microphone, and let me tell you... nothing short of AMAZING!!! hands down the best microphone I have ever used. ?????

Review By Eddie Orozco

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I have worked in some of the best studios in the world and used some of the best microphones in the world. This SA 251 surely holds it own in the quality mic space. It’s a fantastic mic. Very smooth on the top end and the low end doesn’t cover anything up. I recently recorded vocals on an artist and I used a vintage C12. I have to say that is an experience. It wouldn’t be fair to compare a $20k mic to the SA 251 but I would have to dare most ears to tell the difference between the two after proper eq and compression applied in a final mix. Of the microphones I have the SA 251 is right up there with the best. To me by far the best bang for the buck out there. Josh and the Stam team are very accessible and helpful. Shout out to Macarena for staying on top of things with excellent customer service.

Review By Billy Aerts

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I received my SA87 several days ago and immediately put it to use in my current session. What an amazing microphone!!! It is so smooth and transparent. I can’t get over the HUGE improvement on both vocals and acoustic guitar. Josh and his team did a fantastic job of keeping apprised of the status of my shipment. It arrived extremely packed. I would definitely recommend this mic to anyone and will be looking to purchase other things from Stam Audio.

Review By Cary Ripsch

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Excellent microphone, horrible customer support! The mic really is a beauty, sturdy and effective. However, the customer support really needs improvement. I ordered the mic on Sept 2020 and received it only couple weeks ago although all the emails and announcements they made stated that I will get the mic in 2 weeks. This went on for almost 18 months, which is super crazy. Had I know it would take such a long time, I would not have choosen this brand.

Review By Antonios Karampourniotis

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I've had the Mkii version for a few years now, and it's an excellent tool to have. It's extremely clear, and can do a lot compression without adding audible distortion to the source material. There's a huge amount of headroom on this thing. When putting the compressor in it adds a bit of harmonic saturation, and when putting the blend knob to 100% dry there is no saturation present. This livens up the audio a little and gets it sounding a little more excited and ready for action. Compression can be snappy, punchy, transparent, and smooth. Definitely worth getting if you need a versatile bus compressor at a great price. Stam Audio really do live up to their reputation with quality on this piece of gear.

Review By Laurence Bush

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Not much I can say that hasn’t already been said. All the other reviews I read are accurate now that I used the mic in a few different voice over sessions. I’ve shot this mic out against several others already (Neumann TLM 103/Neumann KMR-81i/sE Electronics 2200aiiC) and it absolutely has all of that Neumann tone but not quite as bright as the 103. Definitely a vintage sounding mic in that it’s leaning towards the darker side of things but that’s not to say it’s a dark sounding mic by any means, just not hyped in the airy frequencies like most modern mics are, which to me is highly desirable, especially in post production which is where I will use this most. Extremely natural sound over all. Definitely sounds like there’s some luscious transformer saturation happening in the lows which I really like. Probably one of my favorite features of this mic is the switchable polar patterns. Pop that bad boy into Omni and say goodbye to any proximity effect, you can get right up in there without the bottom end getting out of hand and you really start to hear some of that sparkle too. I haven’t had the chance yet but I’m sure the figure 8 would come in real handy for some mid-side action. If I’m being completely honest the only thing this microphone leaves me desiring is more Stam mics. (When you guys doing another run of 251’s? Hahaha) Overall, incredible value for something I could have paid 3-4x more for. Oh! And for those concerned, shipping took just over 2 months from date of purchase for me in LA, I ordered when they were in stock. Very happy customer here. Macarena was very nice and very helpful when I had questions about shipping.

Review By Laird Fryer

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

5 star rating ...Cheers for a fantastic product know world wide!

Review By Alan Cumpton

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Honestly the best move I’ve made on studio equipment. I use this microphone everyday, it has a perfect balance of character and clarity.

Review By Los Leo

SA-T69 – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Love these channel strips so much! Compared to Neve and Api style pres and preferred these for a cleaner but hefty and beautiful vocal sound. Love them.

Review By Eric

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I have quite a few mics for a home studio guy, most of what I have tried or used are under $1200 in price. This was a big expenditure for me but I'm totally happy with it - wish I had bought two of them. This mic punches far, far above its weight. Gorgeous on vocals, and pretty much anything. I was a bit worried after reading about wait times but my mic arrived three weeks after I ordered it. I would not hesitate to buy any Stam gear going forward.

Review By Al kaatz

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

I’d heard very positive comments about Stam Audio, but never in my wildest imagination thought Joshua was based in Chile, and not only Chile, but Viña del Mar, a very attractive coastal resort with spectacular beaches. As I live only about 150 km away, a visit was essential! I bought both this SA-47 FET and a SA-87. I am absolutely delighted with both, still exploring the differences for voices, instruments and bass/guitar amps. We recorded some acoustic guitar using the 47 on bridge and the 87 in figure-of-eight on the frets – WOW! Hours of quality fun ahead with these two beasts!

Review By Patrick Vyvyan

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I'd heard very positive comments about Stam Audio, but never in my wildest imagination thought Joshua was based in Chile, and not only Chile, but Viña del Mar, a very attractive coastal resort with spectacular beaches. As I live only about 150 km away, a visit was essential! I bought both the SA-47 FET and this SA-87. I am absolutely delighted with both, still exploring the differences for voices, instruments and bass/guitar amps. We recorded some acoustic guitar using the 47 on bridge and the 87 in figure-of-eight on the frets - WOW! Hours of quality fun ahead with these two beasts!

Review By Patrick Vyvyan

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This is a question for Stam. What is the actual weight of the sa-87 microphone? Thank you

Review By John Bartholomew

SA-T69 – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

A friend and colleague of mine had a rack of 4 Helios strips back in the '90s. I worked with those beasties for 5 years and never forgot it. The Pultec style EQs were so musical and intuitive. He also had a Neve board (full of 1073s) and later an 8088. I loved them as well. But for rock music, I preferred the Helios strips - incredibly musical with the uncanny ability to stack aggressive tracks without getting ugly-thick or boxy. The SAT69s sound just like the old Helios strips. Anyone who says otherwise is putting on sonic airs (IMHO). I never quite believed they would STACK UP, but they DO. They really do. Mr. Stam has hit the mark with dead-eye accuracy.

Review By Robert Ferris

SA-T69 – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

These sound fantastic!!! Love it!!!

Review By Agli

SA-T69 – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Man oh man....I have not used an original helios so I cant make a comparison, but I do ownalot of high end mic pres, from, Neve, Api, Great River, etc and I see why this pre and eq are considered classic. I wish I ordered a stereo pair. I tested it using my Stam 47f into the SA-T9 Into my secret vocal chain via my Liason...the Stamchild is part of that chain, all being sum via my Greatriver mixmaster 20 hitting my Convert 2 back in my daw...and wow. Magic. Warmth, detail, cuts thru the mix effortlessly. the eq section is super musical and sweet, warm, and sounds great when gain is maxed out. Bro... your nuts. In a great way! cant wait for the rest of my gear!!! that 251...ooooooo weeeeeee!!!

Review By sgink1

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I can finally say that high end microphones DO make a difference. Having already bought the SA-87 (which is amazing but a tad dark for some sources)) I was beyond curious to try out the SA-251. When it arrived I powered it up and ran some quick vocal/acoustic guitar tests. JUST AMAZING! This mic gives you that instant polished “mixed” sound with zero effort. SO balanced, SO detailed, and super lush/smooth. Paired with my Daking Mic Pre One I’m finally getting top notch sounds from both my Stam mics. I’m completely floored by the SA-251….Josh, THANK YOU MAN!

Review By Eric Passmore

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

I wrote a glowing review of the MK1 version of this mic and needed a second for some larger tracking situations. Now I have a MK2 as well, and I have to say that Stam improved on an already great product! Sure the looks are more "classic", but the detail in the top end is improved without loosing the smooth sound. The addition of the pad and roll off is also very handy. It was a long wait, but Josh was taking his time to get things right. Now if only Stam would do some KM84 clones....

Review By Jamie Sitar

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I purchased this microphone after reading lots of reviews and listening online to every recording I could. When reading the reviews there was a lot of complaining about the length of time to receive items. Obviously this was a concern and it did make me a little apprehensive. I took the plunge and I just want to say my experience with Joshua and Stam Audio were professional and everything I was told was never reneged upon. It did take quite a while to receive my microphone but it was well worth the wait. Got the microphone mainly for vocals and it has been nothing short of fantastic. Hope to pick up one of the tube mics in the future.

Review By Murrell Thixton

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Depth, glowing presence, and vital clarity. The SA-251 brings back classic sound innovation within the reach of affordability. I once thought home recording would be too expensive for my quality standards, but Stam Audio has made it possible again. A worthy replica of one of the best and most versatile tube microphones ever made. So far it has transformed my vocal and acoustic guitar recordings for the better, and I'm looking forward to recording other instruments.

Review By J Chute

SA-23A – Analog Tube Optical Compressor

This is really a lovely piece of equipment. Use it all the time in 2A slow mode while recording vocals. Heard a lot about it before the purchase but never expected it to sound this smooth. Will keep it forever!

Review By niklas

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

WOOOW! Believe it or not, it sounds very close to the original! Sounds really cool! You guys are great!

Review By Ilimixer

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I've been using a Rhode NT-1 for 2 years as it's my first large diaphragm condenser - I bought the SA-87 to upgrade. I always thought my NT1 did the job and sounded pretty good after a few eq moves in post. I wasn't trying to do a shoot out but I did record my acoustic guitar with both to compare differences and this SA87 blew it out the water in a serious way. I've never hear an 87 other than on youtube so I can't make that comparison, but nonetheless this mic is absolutely a good buy. The 3 polar patters make a huge difference, the built in highpass filter is useful and smooth sounding - I almost always use it. The clarity from this mic is phenomenal and the build quality great. Feels heavy, is actually way bigger than I thought, and came within a few weeks after ordering to LA county, CA. Good job Stam. My expectations have been exceeded again - this is my second purchase from Stam and I look to make some more actually.

Review By hugochavez117

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I am loving this microphone. It's like having a new/vintage U87 at a fraction of the cost. Meticulous workmanship, mic feels solid and well built. Warm, up front vocals with that classic LDC sound. Thanks again Stam for another great product!

Review By Jeff O'Rourke

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Short to me I am a rapper and engineer from Germany. If I describe my voice as it sounds I would say I have a deep voice with deep nasal parts. In addition, I have loud sounds in the 8-12khz range even after very strong S and my voice also has a very strong volume down to 90 Hertz. The Stam Audio SA87mk3 sounds just right. Compared to my u87ai, I can't find any difference that would be important in the mix. The S sounds are extremely soft, even if the treble is increased drastically. I even like the Sa87 a little better because the high mids sound less harsh than the u87ai. The case and basket are of very good quality. I am so excited about this microphone and the work of stam that I hope I can buy another SA800G. Thank you for this wonderful microphone Breymien

Review By Breymien

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Got this beauty a few months back (MK1 version) and I have to say this is the smoothest mic I've ever encountered...and I've been a studio singer for 30 years in some of the biggest studios around. It just sounds like a record right out of the box...before any effects applied. But then it reacts incredibly with whatever effects are added - they enhance the sound rather than degrade it. Now I'm just waiting for the 1073MPA I ordered a while back. Can't wait to be blown out of the saddle when that baby finally gets here!!! Josh and his team do an incredible job building these. Just wish I had an extra hundred grand to get 2 or 3 of everything they make!!!

Review By Dave Garner

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

Having read reviews over time regarding Stam Audio, it was clear that their products are considered exceptional. I bought the Mk2 Bus Compressor from Gear4music in the UK and I have now had the time to put it through it’s paces. What can I say, it really is exceptional in all aspects. The build quality is a good as it gets and I can compare this to many big named manufacturers. Sonically it delivers to perfection and I am so pleased with this unit. I would not hesitate in owning a Stam Audio product and I am already looking for more gear from them…This will be permanently live on the mix bus and I have other very high end VCA comps for other duties.Thank you Stam Audio and for also being prompt with your customer service replies?

Review By Jeff

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Josh and his incredible team have produce an unbelievable modern day replica in the SA-251. It has that je ne sais quoi! the moment you say Mic Check!! I have not been able to take my SA-251 off my microphone stand since it arrived. I am running it thru my GML 2020 mic pre and all I can say is Game Over!!! It does not get any better than this IMO. Stam Audio is a very special company and Josh is a very gifted and talented innovator.

Review By Elmo W. Woodbury, Jr.

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

What an amazing unit Stam Audio replicated. This thing is thick and creamy yet punchy and tight. I’m so glad to be part of the first few that signed up with Stam Audio. It was a good wait but worthwhile. Even with the fairer prices now, this thing is a great bargain. Kudos to the Stam Audio Team for making yet another great unit. This unit is an awesome addition to the SA-4000 in the studio if seeking another type of color in the mix or bus mixes. What makes this unit pretty awesome too is the dual mono mode where you can manipulate two different channels/tracks (ie Top SNR/Btm SNR or double mic’d kick, etc...). This then not only makes the SA-609 a great Mixing Compressor but also a great tracking compressor to track with character on the way in. Just a great unit all around! Thank you Stam Audio Team!

Review By Ephraim A.

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

What else can I add that others have not mentioned? Stam Audio has come a long way since 2018 when I bought the first SA-87. The mic only keeps getting better! Not only that, this mic beats out a lot of the competition in its price range and beyond! In my opinion, a pair of the SA-87 and the SA-67 will suffice any good studio. If you only have a budget for one pair, I’d go SA-67 because of a magical sparkle it produces that’s just amazing! However, the SA-87 does not fall behind at all! There’s a rich warmth in the SA-87 that’s hard to describe because I haven’t heard it in any big production mic in its class which makes it flexible to manipulate with EQ (hardware or plugins). Best wishes and I hope this review helps in solidifying your decision process for this mic. Great work Stam Audio Team!

Review By Ephraim A.

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

woow absolutely amazing compressor! First i used it on a drum buss. i got the 70s rock sounds. air and weight were balanced very transparent sounds. it sounded better even when it was in bypass mode, good quality , well built, lovely tranformers. After then I mixed down a movie overdubbing dialogues. I was surprised. very cool sonic. made my happy even with fix attack time. my language has important details at the end of the words...and everything was so great and understandable even when the music , FX were loud. if ya want a neve 33609 clone do not hesitate! trust me! Josh! thank you! Thanx for all Stam Audio staff.

Review By Imre Faragó

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

A very well made great sounding product made by a company that cares about the details. Very Satisfied with this purchase.

Review By Mick S

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

Stam is a genius. This unit is simply amazing. One thing I’ve learned from buying from Stam is in life patience truly is a virtue. We are used to instant gratification. The wait is truly worth it. This unit on the mix bus is golden. You get loudness, depth, all the subtleties in you mix comes alive. The build quality is phenomenal. I want another one.Great work once again. I have at least 6 more things on order. Can’t wait.

Review By Conrad

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This mic is beautiful...golden!!! I couldn't be more pleased with my decision to purchase the SA-87. I still have more things to learn about this beauty, but getting to know her has been amazing!!! It's definitely the best mic I've ever owned, and at this price point it can't be beat!!!

Review By Yesha Moor

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

From the post online, done with only very basic equipment, I'm very impressed. I immediately recognized the true 251 character. I'd love to have one of these to compliment my Stam SA67. I've actually used a vintage 251 and it's unforgettable. I got the same feeling from the SA251.

Review By Martin John Butler

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

Wow, Just WOW! Josh and the team knocked this one out of the park! The SA-251 sounds just phenomenal! I ran it through my 1073 into my Serpent 1176 for a vocal session and the vocals sounded so lush!! It's the perfect companion for my SA-800 and I can't recommend this mic enough! (Mine came with the GE 6072A NOS tube)

Review By Mike Snoody

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I received the SA-87 really fast and it works flawlessly, like i was hoping too. Good job Stam audio team and Joshua is such a cool guy and always respond to my numerous questions! will buy again !

Review By simonjohns99

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

Phenomenally true to the original "metal knob" 33609, this is a fantastic clone. Absolute $$$ on drum bus, mix bus, and keys. The SA609 brings out the best nuances of the mix and has the the ability add anything from a subtle touch to anger and weight. 5/5! Definitely recommend if you are in the market for a 33609 clone, because this is the best on the market. Trust me, you will not want to take it off of your mix bus... It will live there....

Review By Joey Hinkebein

SA-609+ – Stereo Diode Dridge Compressor with 4 revisions

I just received my SA-609 and all what I can say is that it’s absolutely amazing compressor in everything! Stam Audio won me over with their prices and most important of all, sound quality! It was a long process but definitely worth the wait!this compressor is a killer on everything from instruments(drums,bass,piano,vocal,mix buss etc)! Destroys any plugin by miles. Highly recommended! I’ll definitely be buying more products from stam!I also have sa-4000 mk2,sa-47,sa-87,sa-1073 mpa,sa-800 and I am love in stam gears! Highly recommended!

Review By Shkumbin Azizi

Private: V72MP

I used to own (4) original Siemens V72 modules that were modified and racked in lunchboxes years ago, but I ended up selling them to fund other gear purchases. When I saw that Stam was reverse engineering the V72, I put my order in early. I remember my original V72s as a "slow" preamps that worked well with "fast" microphones. They sounded great on vocals and acoustic guitars. When my Stam V72 arrived, that was the first thing I tried with the preamp. I used a Neumann U87 on a vocal into the Stam 72 and WOW! Super clear and punchy, just like I remembered. The Stam adds a DI input that is great for bass guitar or keyboards as well as phase reverse, 48V, and an impedance switch to alter the tone. The unit is solidly built and lives in the preamp rack among the api, Neve, Focusrite, Vintech, and Millenia Media preamps. The V72 is not as clean and doesn't provide a huge amount of gain like a Focusrite, but the unique tube vibe is there! The Stam V72 tube preamp is a nice addition to our solid state preamp collection at Dirt Floor Recording and Production and is used on a daily basis. Great job Joshua, Teo, and the team at Stam Audio! https://www.dirtfloorrecordingstudio.com/

Review By Steve Wytas - Dirt Floor Recording and Production

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I did purchase the SA 4000 MK2, 7 days ago, and did receive it today! From Chile to Switzerland, purchase, payment and shipping in 7 days, great!! Thank you, Stam Audio and Macarena:)

Review By Dave Doran

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Best microphone I have ever worked with. I run it through a Focusrite Clarett and I’m floored by how big and sweet vocals sound. My acoustic guitars sound clear and brilliant but with warmth, no harshness. Wish I had ordered two.

Review By Mark Webster

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I’ve fumbled my way through many low to medium priced mics over the years...AT4040/50/47, Miktek mk300, Stellar CM6, to name a few. When I got the SA-87 and first tried it on vocals I instantly heard the difference between a truly high end mic and the plethora of mid level mics I’d previously tried. To my ear it’s the highs that just sound SO good on this mic...so smooth and warm. The build and sound quality are just on another level with the SA-87...it’s something you’ll instantly hear should you ever obtain one. I have no idea how this mic compares to a vintage Neumann U87 but Im guessing it’s very much on par...and ultimately who cares! Great product from Stam!

Review By Eric Passmore

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

When I first plugged this mic in, I wasn't that impressed. I was expecting some kind of magic, some incredible tone that will make your take legendary. This mic isn't about that, and probably the U87 isn't either. Then, I started to use it in many sessions, and I understood the "magic"of this mic. Either you use it for singers or voiceovers, for instruments or as a room mic, this mic is astonishing: it is clear on the mids, crisp on the highs, rich and balanced on the lows, . It is a mic that's very close to the sound source: the better the sound source, the better this mic sounds. If you pair this mic with a good preamp, the outcomes are outstanding, and you seldom need eq. Nevertheless, it takes eq incredibly well. Useless to say, if you want that clear, crispy, straightforward sound of a U87, but you don't want to put down the price tag of the original one, nothing will suit your needs better than this mic. Stam, you built an incredible mic, and I am already looking forward to add the Stam 47 to my mic locker.


SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

Best 1176 I've ever heard. Gimme like 6.

Review By Tennis

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Beautiful mic, gives me that classic sound with that bit of help in the lower midrange. Had instantly good sounds on vocals and acoustic guitars.

Review By Will Booth

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

My SA87 arrived today and I tried it on vocal and guitar and ... OMG. Amazing. I always owned cheap and middle price microphones despite I have a lot of experience with more expensive and profesional gear. By profesional I mean sound and built quality. Price of this microphone is extremly low for this quality. I was looking for U87 style mic and my choices were SA87, WA87 or Neumann TLM103. And for my ears SA87 sounds way better than both WA87 and TLM103. Maybe because this is the sound I heard on a lot of records but I don't care any more. I like it. Especialy I like how microphone handles high frequencies. Highs are silky and present but sibilants sounds very smooth. I run SA87 through my Neve 73 syle preamp and EQ and no matter how much highs I add the sibilants and air is well balanced. To my ears this microphone have a lot of good sounding low mids that are fat and smooth so for radio voice is amazing and for singing vocals bring strenght and fatnes to vocal without being anoying and boomy. I'm so happy that I choose SA87 and I'm looking forward to work with it a lot. I would recommend it to all who are looking for a real vintage version of U87.

Review By Emil

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This microphone is way better than I expected. It sounds well balanced and rich. I can say this is way better than my other $1000 bucks level mics.

Review By hwang.suhyung

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

This is the rhythm section sound that I've been trying to get forever! My Stamchild lives on my drum/bass buss when mixing. The Wet/Dry control allows me to do some very heavy compression in parallel and fatten things right up without losing any detail. The bass is thick and the treble is euphnic without being harsh. The stepped controls (all except for the output -which stays on full anyway) make recalls a breeze.

Review By Jamie Sitar


Llevo un par de semanas trabajando con este pre, y la verdad estoy muy feliz con el resultado. La relación precio/calidad es equivalente.

Review By JEFFRA

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Amazing mic, kicked my recording to the next level at a comfortable price. Definitely worth the buy weather you’re mixing instruments of vocals. It’s the real deal U87 and it’s not overly bright like the new ai models

Review By Hayden

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This is simply a wonderful microphone. I'm also one of those people with lots of mics...Flea, Neumann, Brauner, etc. This in front of an acoustic guitar is a heavenly match and so easy! The right placement, no eq, bang. It is definitely in the group of go-to mics now. I pre-ordered and delivery took some time, but it was worth the wait.

Review By Mike

SA-23A – Analog Tube Optical Compressor

$ 600 USD spent One year 6 months later and nothing, only one email asking for money and a fucking promise to deliver, never got it, had to cancel this scam.


SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

We put up the SA-87 for the first time a couple of days ago. SA-87/Avalon 737/Audio-Scape OPTO COMP. We were recording a pop vocal with a rock attitude and, a hip hop feature. The pop vocal was performed by and artist known as Memo. Thw hip hop feature was performed by Legion X of MezzAminD Records. Having worked with both of these exceptional artists for some time, we were very familiar with their voices. Having used vintage 87’s, the 87i, as well as the 87ai, as Memo began to warm up on the SA-87 my eyebrows raised up. Memo has beautiful vocal chops, the upper range of Memo’s voice came through the monitors, and we all loved how the SA-87 sounded. To be honest, I was expecting the upper midrange to be a little harsh however, the mic gave us, a slight saturation here which was just right. The final vocal was vibrant, alive, capturing all of the natural details of Memo’s extremely dynamic vocal performance. Legion X is a dynamic performer, and a studio veteran. X instantly heard the quality of the SA-87, the clarity of his midrange. Having used the Shure SM7B with Legion X for years, and due to the sometimes aggressive nature of his delivery, here was the true test as far as, my personal opinion was concerned. I was wishing we had used a 1073 with Legion but, the Avalon pre did not disappoint. The SA-87 captured every nuance of this veteran perfomer’s extremely dynamic hip hop performane. We were all stunned by the realism of the SA-87, it is everything anyone could ask for. Mas Gucci, the main enginner on this session having mixed Legion X’s music, shot me a look, and a quick that’s it Lz, there’s THAT tone! Mas, also commented on how easy the tracks were to mix. Don’t think too much, just order the microphone, what are you waiting for? The SA-87 is a Gem. I’m a tough-sell, especially when, microphones are concerned. Listen to me, I don’t care how long you have to wait for this microphone, ORDER ONE NOW, you will LOVE the SA-87! Built for war. Want an 87? Save yourself a ton of money. At this price point, adding the SA-87 to your microphone collection is, a no-brainer. Peace to all, Larry “Lz” Sentelle MezzAminD Records San Diego, California

Review By Larry "Lz" Sentelle

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

We put up the SA-87 for the first time a couple of days ago. SA-87/Avalon 737/Audio-Scape OPTO COMP. We were recording a pop vocal with a rock attitude and, a hip hop feature. The pop vocal was performed by and artist known as Memo. Thw hip hop feature was performed by Legion X of MezzAminD Records. Having worked with both of these exceptional artists for some time, we were very familiar with their voices. Having used vintage 87's, the 87i, as well as the 87ai, as Memo began to warm up on the SA-87 my eyebrows raised up. Memo has beautiful vocal chops, the upper range of Memo's voice came through the monitors, and we all loved how the SA-87 sounded. To be honest, I was expecting the upper midrange to be a little harsh however, the mic gave us, a slight saturation here which was just right. The final vocal was vibrant, alive, capturing all of the natural details of Memo's extremely dynamic vocal performance. Legion X is a dynamic performer, and a studio veteran. X instantly heard the quality of the SA-87, the clarity of his midrange. Having used the Shure SM7B with Legion X for years, and due to the sometimes aggressive nature of his delivery, here was the true test as far as, my personal opinion was concerned. I was wishing we had used a 1073 with Legion but, the Avalon pre did not disappoint. The SA-87 captured every nuance of this veteran perfomer's extremely dynamic hip hop performane. We were all stunned by the realism of the SA-87, it is everything anyone could ask for. Mas Gucci, the main enginner on this session having mixed Legion X's music, shot me a look, and a quick that's it Lz, there's THAT tone! Mas, also commented on how easy the tracks were to mix. Don't think too much, just order the microphone, what are you waiting for? The SA-87 is a Gem. I'm a tough-sell, especially when, microphones are concerned. Listen to me, I don't care how long you have to wait for this microphone, ORDER ONE NOW, you will LOVE the SA-87! Built for war. Want an 87? Save yourself a ton of money. At this price point, adding the SA-87 to your microphone collection is, a no-brainer. Peace to all, Larry "Lz" Sentelle MezzAminD Records San Diego, California

Review By Larry "Lz" Sentelle

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This is an awesome microphone. Comes with a nice case. Well packed. Sounds like a record. Wish I had more 🙂

Review By T.E.T.

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

Very very cool. very good sound. release a little slower than my 1176 but it is already very very good. only one improvement, delivery times but the customer service is very cool. and always want to evolve the hardware. very good surprise to see the slow attack on mine when I didn't have it at the start! really very cool

Review By Matt

SA-76ADF – Analog FET Compressor

Sounds Fantastic - Love it. A long wait is over:-)

Review By Knut Havvik

SA-76ADF – Analog FET Compressor

My patience has been rewarded, a small jewel throne in my humble home studio.. The most difficult will be not to abuse it.. Thanks to the whole team of Stam Audio for offering such a tight price a compressor of this level of manufacture.. It sounds guys!

Review By Bruno Caporuscio

StamChild SA-660 – Mono Analog Tube Compressor

i absolutely love love love...... the "thought of owning these"....... and cant wait till it they are boxed up and enroute to my studio here in Nashville!!

Review By joe p.

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I received the SA4000MK II about a month ago and I've put it through different projects and I have to say it sounds fantastic. I ordered it with the NEVE mod. The blend knob is very useful as also the HPF on it. The SSL mode is clean, smooth, punchy, pristine with definition. The NEVE is a little bit punchier with more harmonics and a little brighter so if you mix the same song on both modes you do have to change the mix a little bit, which you would expect as the sounds are different. The unit sounds great!

Review By J. lopez

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

This is my second unit from Stam, the first was the 87 mic which I´m really happy with. So when I was thinking of buying a 1176 I thought this was the better option comparing with other companies. This 76 sounds fantastic and make his job really well, the ability to have 3 versions in one hardware is awesome, also the great sound of each of them, it gives you a lot of flexibility to compress any signal in the required way. I also aprecciate the 2:1 ratio that allows you to be really gentle with the compression and the all buttons, this things gives more versatility to this gear. A fantastic compressor with this really good additions that are the icing on the cake. Visually it is a beautiful hardware, it seems to be really well constructed. Keep on this way Stam.

Review By Raul Saelices

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Totally blown away by this mic! Build quality is top notch - mic is solid and comes in a beautiful wooden case, the shockmount is extra sturdy, power supply is hefty, cable is generous in length, and the whole thing comes in a high quality flight case. The most important factor - the sound! I've been fortunate to have used a wide variety of vintage Neumann mics and this instantly felt familiar. Though I have spent limited time using it, results have been very pleasing. Rich and musical, with that three dimensional sound a lot of clones fail to capture. I'm so excited to get it in front of a drum kit. To top it all off, the price can't be beat! So excited to be a part of the Stam family and I'm looking forward to owning some of their other wonderful re-creations.

Review By Adam Burd

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This microphone is incredible. The vocals cutting without any processing through the mix like a 1000 hours hammered Japanese kitchen knife. If God would be a mic, he would be a SA-87.

Review By Max Weissenfeldt

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Absolutely blown away. Instantly I noticed the Chinese knock off top end zing was gone, finally. Vocals are money. The low end is insane. I mic'ed an underside djembe and the low end beat my kick drum mic. I'm getting another and probably a 67 as well.

Review By Tommy Harden

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

These comp is amazing! I am triing it out for some months now and its fantastic to glue a mix like nothing i ve seen before. I use it on the mixbus and mix into it. Only the delivery time was an issue, i waited 1, 5 years, but it was worth waiting!

Review By Michael

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

Yes it was a long wait, but when I first plugged it in, I knew all the wait was worthy. It improves my mix by giving it more presence, depth and width. I tried to reproduce this with many plugins but have been able to achieve the same feel. But hey, if I can do it with a hardware, why bother wasting my time going through all the software world? This is magical. And handymand in Chile , not China, already a big plus. So if you can afford to wait, or invest your time, this is the best you can get for your studio.

Review By Henry Lai

SA-76ADF – Analog FET Compressor

Seems solidly built so far, still putting it through it's paces, but it doesn't sound better/worse than some of my plugs. To me, this is just a hardware tool to increase signal chain flexibility in the studio.

Review By xon


I have several different preamps in the studio. Every style imaginable and this one has to be my favorite! I recently did a shootout between this pre and a handful of the others on several sources and the 73 beat the others out every single time.

Review By Alex

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

Probably the best ssl buss comp clone out there and also on the budget, it really worth the wait!

Review By vincenzo Traverso

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

STAM -76ADG is really good. This is my first piece of STAM gear and it was worth the wait. Great harmonic distortion when you push it, subtle when you need it to be...it's gonna get a lot of work in my studio. Build quality is excellent.

Review By Bryan Dunn

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

This is my second 1176 purchase from Stam Audio. The first being the original blue stripe (Rev A), FET model, which has happily served me well for many years especially on bass, and sometimes vocals . I couldn't pass up on having 3 1176 revisions in one unit. I find having the extra Rev D and G option very handy. Sometimes my Stam Blue stripe REV A clamps down too quick on certain vocal consonants, so I'm now using the ADG (D/G mode), more on vocals if I need a slightly slower action, song/ tempo dependent. 95% Metal film resistors throughout, so I imagine it will sound cleaner than an original, and definitely remain more stable for 20+ years. I know Josh had to iron out some bugs with the original design of the earlier units, like mine, and it created a few headaches/ holdups.Thankfully he has a calibration procedure on the website, for people like me who have the technical ability to fix any underlying issues. After a bit of tweaking, I'm really happy with my unit now. I can see, these Stam designs improving with age, and those who purchase in the future, will reap the rewards of all the trials and tribulations due to innovation and hard work.

Review By Paul Nielsen

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

BEST MIC BEST MIC BEST MIC ever !!!!! Just got this baby. And made a quick check. Never heard such a full and warm tone. Till now the u87 was my to go mic. The sa47 has a much fuller tone. Really sad that I didn’t purchase this before! Quick delivery. And very well packed. Excellent case and looks stunning! Perfect! So don t think , GET THIS MIC, u won’t regret it.

Review By Mansur S.

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

This mic sounds amazing! I pair it with a Sunset Sound Studios Tutti mic pre and a Stam SA76 ADG. Sits perfectly in the mix. I barely have to do anything to it. The quality of sound and build are top notch. It is now my go to vocal chain. I have a high male rock voice (in the style if Robert Plant, Freddie Mercury, Roger Dawltrey) and it's perfect for my type of vocal. I own a lot of very nice microphones (Soundeluxe 251, PearlmanTM47, 414, U87) this is my new favorite mic. After owning this and hearing the quality, I'm seriously thinking of buying the SA47 to pair with my REDD Desk mic pre clone. Great gear!!!

Review By Mark Bram

Private: V72MP

Sounds amazing! Super super and really helps lower my 'ssss's and spikes. Just a super nice round sound with a little natural compression. Less needed later. It's a beautiful preamp.

Review By Eric

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

Just wow! I received my Stamchild 2 days ago and have now tried it as a drum bus, 2bus and vocal compressor. First up I ran some drums hrough it and compared it to the same drums going through my Stam Sa4000. There’s a depth and clarity that is amazing. And the sa4000 is not bad. Same with the 2 bus. So i hooked up my U67 to an La610 and then to the Stamchild and recorded a few vocal takes on a song I am currently tracking. Then comparing it to the same chain, but with a Teletronics La2a instead of the Stamchild. Not even close! I had to re-track the vocals today. There’s a 3D quality and depth to this compressor that is just fantastic. The La2a may be up for sale....

Review By Ola Göransson


Still digging those FANTASTIC 1073's ! They are amazing ! With a friend, we tested every preamps with his 1984 Juno 60, recorded it straight into the interface (Motu 828 MK3), into the 1073's and into the 312's. The result with the 1073's was OUTSTANDINGLY IMPRESSIVE, It was bringing the Synth to LIFE ! I sincerely was not hoping something really different, or maybe a subtle touch of harmonics... Man, I was wrong. I tried my best to replicate the sound with EVERY preamp plugins I had : Slate New York, Slate 1073, UAD 1290A, UAD 1084, NONE was bringing THAT MUCH of character, of GRIT! Mindblowing! Getting that sound, with this preamp, at this price. YES.

Review By Adrien Langlois

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I shot this out on male vocals against a FLEA-47 with my friend who has engineered a couple Eric Church albums and we both preferred this mic. His FLEA mic cost $3.9K USD.

Review By David DiMuzio

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This microphone is AMAZING!! It is mind blowing how a mic at this price point can be so thick in the middle and have great definition in the top end. I just got my mic on 12/05/2020 and I am already 5 songs into my EP. Joshua, this is a solid product!

Review By Darien Omar

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I just received my MK II and WOW! I already have 4 MK I's that are in use almost every day. The MK II is a bit step up in both tone and the smoothness of the compression. The extra features, particularly the wet/dry blend, make this a much more versatile unit too.

Review By Jamie Sitar


I bought 10 of these to make a mini-console for tracking. I've used the real deal, and these give my clients the same HUGE sound in a compact and affordable package.

Review By Jamie Sitar

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I am blown away! Though I can not compare it to an original U-67, the SA-67 sounds absolutely unreal! I could NOT believe it, when I listened back to the first vocal recording that I did with it.. I have been using things like NT1-A, AKG P420, Beyerdynamic M88, etc. so far for vocal recordings. And allthough I still love my M88, and still think it's a superb vocal mic, these creamy 67 mids, the slight tube compression and harmonics are nothing less than magical. Itruly couldn't be happier! And FWIW: I chose the SA-67 over the SA-47, because the 47 sounds a bit honky in many reviews that I've watched (the U-47 as well as the SA-47). I think people choose it over the 67 for its wooliness and big bottom end, which seem to be awesome on that mics. However, I view the 67 as the more universal vocal mic. (Plus Bob Marley, Curt Cobain, as well as countless other heroes of mine, used it). But those are just my 2 cents. Your mileage.. you get my point. Thanks STAM Audio!!!

Review By Lukas Schmidtke


blown away by this thing. I've used all kinds of "1073-style" preamps and this easily matches them if not beats a lot of the other more expensive stuff. I don't think you will be disappointed.

Review By jacob rabadi

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This microphone is absolutely incredible. I was lucky enough to catch a B-stock sale and was initially nervous in terms of spending money on anything because it was totally an impulse buy, but after receiving the microphone and using it on the vocals, guitar, bass and drum kit for a soul record, it has proven a thousand times over to have been a worthwhile investment. I truly didn't realize what I was missing until I started recording with the SA47 and now understand how guys like Al Schmitt could get away with very little EQ or compression to make a part fit beautifully into the mix. This microphone gives me the confidence to capture exactly what I need right at the source!

Review By Mike Donaldson

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

The Bad: Ordered in January 2020, delivered October 2020. Considering the pandemic, intermittent civil unrest, and lockdowns + shipping restrictions in Chile, I'm totally fine with this. I do own other microphones that I've used happily for years. The Good: The SA-87 is the best LDC I've ever owned. I've tested with mandolin, guitar, voice (m&f), and brass I'm thrilled with it's versatility. I don't know that it sounds exactly like any of the vintage 87's I've ever tracked with, but really, does it need to? IMO, it actually sounds better. It's an incredible mic for an incredible price. I now feel that my U89i is redundant so that'll be sold and rolled into a pair of SDCs (184's or the like). Josh....make some SDCs clones! The Compromise: Good/fast/cheap: pick two, right? It's what all of us always say to our clients. All of us have other microphones. With STAM we get incredibly good, very cheap, and yes, sometimes exceedingly slow. My 1073MPA took two years to arrive but it is the best preamp I have, by far. My SA-4000 MK2 took three years to arrive but it is an absolute monster and I survived for years without it, software tools being what they are these days. To anyone reading this interested in buying one of these: DO IT and do it with the understanding that you'll need to be patient. Your patience will reward you with a mic you'll love for life.

Review By Jordan L.

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

The Bad: I ordered an SA-4000 MK1 (Neve Mod) about three years ago, and it finally showed up last month. As Josh continued to refine the design and circuitry of this unit I was offered a free rollover into the MK2 line, with corresponding mod, about a year and a half ago. This was a very kind gesture considering the difference in price and I believe it's also a big part of why this order took quite so long to be fulfilled. The Good: Although three years is a bit much to wait for anything custom ordered, the TLC and heart/soul put into these boxes is impossible to miss. The SA-4000 MK2 is INSTANT gratification and has some pretty serious juju even with the compressor bypassed. From subtle transient control to complete squashing in parallel, this thing is a monster with a tiny footprint. I've remixed most of my recent projects in the last couple weeks with the 4000 and inasmuch as I am confident in my ITB mixes, the new mixes just feel better, cleaner, and more robust. All in all I am thrilled. The Compromise: Good/fast/cheap: pick two, right? It's what all of us always say to our clients. All of our studios survived without an or an additional HW buss compressor. We live in an age where software tools get us most of the way there and the use of much outboard gear, beyond our recording chains, is a choice rather than a necessity. With STAM we get incredibly good, very cheap, and yes, sometimes exceedingly slow. My 1073MPA took two years to arrive but it is the best preamp I have, by far. My SA-87 took 9 months but it is the best mic I've ever owned. To anyone reading this interested in buying one of these: DO IT and do it with the understanding that you'll need to be patient. Your patience will reward you with a box you'll love for life. If you want something NOW, buy a w.a. clone and be dissatisfied.

Review By Jordan L.

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Nada que decir, gracias Stam por este maravilloso micrófono

Review By Jeremías

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

unbelievable. so glad I got one, my secret weapon, not so secret as I tell everyone about how awesome it is. clear as water, warm and the right frequencies for amazing vocals, acoustic guitars, etc.

Review By andro Martinez


I have been recording professionally for nearly 30 years, and have owned/experienced many different kinds of "1073-style" preamps. This has quickly become my favorite non-EQ version in that genre. Is it, as Stam says: "the finest sounding replica of the vintage British mic preamp you will find available today"? Who knows, but it certainly delivers everything I expected from this design, and they absolutely can go head-to-head with anything I've been around. But then, when considered best at this price point? No question--they win very easily. I was even able to sell some more expensive (other brand) to buy a few more of these...

Review By Mike M

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

These things are absolutely awesome! True sounding to the best kept originals and affordable to boot. For less than 1/4 the cost of a Neumann reissue, you get the much sought after sound of a real vintage U67. I just finished up a full day of tracking with these on acoustic guitar (steel and nylon string), lead and background vocals, and stereo gang vocals - buy 2 of these if you can! They have a great controlled fullness and a 3D sense of detail. Can't wait to try Bonham-style drums.

Review By Jamie Sitar

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

it is one of the best equipment I had the opportunity to use, test. It has a very pleasant sound, with a texture that works in all musical styles. It is very easy to move, and with toothed knobs, super resistant. Anyway, it is a compressor that can change the life of any studio. @playco.studio - Brazil

Review By Elias Assunção

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

How much down payment for sa4000 and sa800 and when wii it be delivered?

Review By Robin Linn

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

How long to get a sa4000

Review By Robin Linn

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

This into an 1176 compressor is the sound of rock. This unit totally brought the sound of my tracks to the level I'd been looking for. Suddenly I was hearing the sound of my favorite records when recording.

Review By David DiMuzio

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I had the opportunity to purchase an SA-4000 MK2 with the British Mod. I'll be honest, I've never had the privilege of using a super nice bus compressor but I have been recording for over 15 years. This thing? It's ridiculously amazing. I was very impatient after 4 months and was emailing emailing emailing and you know what? You whiners out there who complain about Stam Audios customer service can seriously buzz off. Their CS reps got back to me religiously within a 24 hour period, oftentimes it being Josh himself. They answered questions, gave me updates and were very helpful! I was the one who was being annoying about my order and they dealt with my impatience like champions. Thank you for that Josh, Sori and company!!! Now back to the SA-4000 MK2- it's incredible. You can get some really versatile tones out of this, both transparent and abundantly obvious. The feeling of the unit is massive. It's heavy as hell, built like a tank and just feels expensive. The blend control is amazing for instant parallel compression. You can smash the drums and blend it in, gently raise the levels of guitar while smoothing out the sharp peaks, slap it across a half ass mix and it seriously instantly sounds better... It's really incredible. The British Mod gives some extension to the low end. It's subtle but there. When you hit it really hard is where the transformers shine- those big, red Carnhills, oh yes! I thoroughly enjoy this unit and could ramble on forever. Take it from someone who just recently started believing in analog gear. Bottom line is plug ins just don't cut it. Analog gear can take your good or crummy mixes and instantly polish them into something special, shiny and warm. You want this unit, you need this unit, you'll love this unit. Srsly. I want a Stamchild now...

Review By Shane N.

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

Bought a pair of these with the NOS option and as match pair. Well worth the wait. Dailing in the highs is a party. These is great on the masterbus. Really really nice

Review By Menno Bakker

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Potential customer here, intrigued by your products, I went fishing & found some pictures & video's on youtube, your facebook page of your workshop & people who work with you. May I suggest making your website more personable & include some of the behind the scenes work & the people involved etc. This will add confidence in buying your products, priced well as they are people also need to know what you have in stock & the wait times involved when placing a deposit. Cover these bases & grow your business with confidence from both sides of the equation my friend.

Review By Adam

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

Amazing mic with beautiful top end smoothness and overall clarity. For pop or anything modern this is probably the best mic I've tested and it's no surprise why so many stars prefer this mic.

Review By Eric L

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

This mic blew me away. Buttery smooth high end, clear mids, and round lows. Singing on it made my vocals sound instantly mixed. ?

Review By David DiMuzio

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

I have to say, I am seriously impressed with this mic! It is extremely quiet but also extremely responsive and it has a beautiful top end that doesn't sound harsh at all! Josh and the Stam team clearly take their time when building these mics and it shows when you put it to use. Very happy with the sound and I'm looking to grabbing a 251 next!

Review By Mike Snoody

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

After waiting for about (2) years, my pair of Stam Pultecs finally arrived!!!! And like most Stam Customers, it is always worth the wait! Let's start with how beastly and hefty these things are, I couldn't believe the nice weight it packs, and its not because of a thick chassis to make just believe its quality. No! its because of the fat transformers, tubes and outstanding quality components. I ordered the NOS Versions so the trannys there are pretty big. Lets get to the sound! most will tell you that it has great bass and awesome highs, some will go further and mention the creamy mids, but I will take it a bit further! While this EQ has great bass, I wouldn't call it big but more like tight and open. Highs are just beautiful but those mids boy! They are a punchy and a creamy. I am so glad I got a pair since Stam ended production. If you are in search of a great Pultec replica, be quick on Reverb because Stam Audio stuff does not last long in the secondary market and for great reason. They ALWAYS deliver great sounding quality pro audio gear and at a great price! Be on the look out on my YouTube Channel "Daniel Redd" for a Box Opening of the Stam Pultec EQ and a shootout between Stam EQP-1A, the Summit Audio EQP-200B and the A-Designs Hammer 2 EQ. Later, I will also shoot out the Stam EQP-1A against the A-Designs EMQ-2. This will be to show that Stam Audio is really in the league of "boutique" pro audio manufacturers, rather than entry level audio. Thank you so much to the Stam Audio Team for making truly amazing products at a phenomenal price. Stam Audio is truly the best!

Review By Daniel Redd

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

The SA47 is an excellent microphone. I have used it for over a year in a variety of situations, the sound quality is consistently fantastic. The microphone, mount and power supply are built very solidly- if expect they will provide a lifetime of use. One thing which is not mentioned- the cable provided is quite long, which allows for wonderful flexibility in positioning, especially in a larger space.

Review By Andrew

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

Well, first off, due to a miscommunication about payment (which is as much my fault as anyone’s), it took me WAY longer to get my Stamchild than originally planned, so I had a LOT of time to build anticipation about it. That said, I’m going to leave this review as short and sweet as I can think to. I plan on making some videos showing off what the Stamchild can do, and you will hear future mixes done at Black Dog Recording ALL going through the Stamchild on my stereo bus, because it is without a doubt going to be on there for everything I mix! It’s UTTERLY ASTONISHING how good this piece sounds for the money. It’s built very well too! I have Crane Song Trakkers, an IGS TubeCore, drawmer 1987, and a UK Sound 276 to compliment my Trident 88 console, and there is not a single piece of gear on my rack that I am as blown away by as much as this! God forbid anything happen to it, it’d be instantly replaced with a new one. For this price point, it’s going to be damn near impossible to find anything with the euphonic fullness and depth this imparts, and there is just some indescribable “sparkle” it imparts without getting bright or harsh in ANY way. The first thing I thought when I ran a mix through it was, “Wow, that’s what a record should sound like!” Thanks Joshua and team! I’ll be eyeing more from you guys. Keep building stuff of this caliber!

Review By Peter Jacobs

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I just received my SA 4000 mk2 and it’s absolutely amazing it was a long process but definitely worth the wait I’ll definitely be buying more products from stam

Review By Jordan

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Amazing! Just blown away by this. Best mic I have ever owned. Well worth the money and I like supporting small companies and Josh is a great guy. Watch his interview. They really put effort into the details and appeal to us small studio owners

Review By Brian

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Stam Audio hits one out of the park yet again. This time with their replica version of the venerable 1073 Mic Pre. Stam Audio held nothing back and provided us with Carnhill Input (I/P) Transformers (Trany), Sowter Output (O/P) Trany, the correct number of high quality Inductors (3) from Carnhill, High Quality Transistor and lastly, High Quality Circuit Components. All this led a Thick and Lucious sounding Mic Pre! Not only that, once you start driving the I/P this is where things get very interesting and complex. Turns out, when you start driving the I/P Knob past 50 and above, you start overdriving the signal causing beautiful rich sounding distortion and changing the original EQ Curve of the signal. But engage the EQ and now, you can start to shape the distortion of the distorted EQ Curve thus becoming a tone shaper. This is where the complexity kicks in because every I/P Dent past 50 delivers a slight different EQ Curve providing a plethora of tone shaping options when boosting. However, if you wish to clean up the enriched EQ Curve, when you attenuate, it'll always be the same type of cut curve no matter how distorted your EQ Curve may be. One last thing about the EQ, each High Pass (HP) Filter Freq has a different type of Filter which makes shaping the Bass Freqs very interesting and fun. None of this could've been accomplished had Josh and the team at Stam Audio not used top quality components throughout the entire device. Stam Audio definitely delivered a great sounding unit here without sacrifices. The 1073EQ has depth and warmth, and when you start Boosting the Upper Freqs, it does it effortlessly and with lush. And that bass! Man that bass! The best analogy I’ve come up with is when someone knocks at a heavy door. You hear the knock inside the house, but because it’s low freq transients, you also feel the knock slightly vibrate the room and walls. That’s the bass I got from Stam! It was rich and beautiful! What would I like to see in a MKII 1073EQ? First, I would like for the knobs to be flushed with the faceplate. Second, the addition of at least one or two more High Shelf Freqs, at least a 15K or 16K addition would be great. Next, a Post O/P Attenuator to also drive the gorgeous Sowter O/P Trany. Lastly, although I do like the current color, the gray knobs blend in too much with the faceplate. I'm thinking some sort of Charcoal Gray, Black of some sort of darker shade of the Slate Blue. Notice these are mostly cosmetic changes and additional features for additional value. The signal path is great as it is! In closing, I strongly believe that the only reason Stam Audio is compared to the Sub $1K brands is because of its price. You absolutely will not get close to the quality Stam Audio brings to the table. ALL Sub $1K brands will cut corners compromising the sound signature of a real 1073. Even if you Mod a Sub $1K Brand, it will always fall short of the Stam 1073EQ, let alone a real 1073. Stam Audio really performs against units costing $2-3K at retail stores. Let’s never take Stam Audio for granted because Joshua and the Stam Audio team are delivering out of this world studio gear at a reasonable price for home/project studio owners. Even big studios benefit out of Stam because they can preserve their classic gear and throw reliable and consistent Stam Audio workhorses that’s not far at all from sounding like the originals. One last thing, I gotta give props where props are due. Stam Audio really does go above and beyond with quality parts. I’ve noticed now with the SA-2A, 3A and 1073EQ that the potentiometers (Pots) are top notch! Every time I’ve conducted my tests, I make sure to level match. Well, I’ve noticed that the Pots in Stam Audio always and I mean ALWAYS! respond accurately each and every time with very little effort. It’s the right type of tactile feedback to what my digital meters are displaying. This is not the case with my Sub $1K gear! Sub $1K never amplifies or attenuates at a consistent rate. So kudos to Stam Audio.

Review By Daniel Redd

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

Finally got my SA-800 about two weeks ago and have been putting it through the wringer so far. Have used it on a bunch of vocalists already and from aggressive hip hop vocals to soulful r & b vibes this mic has sounded amazing. Deep rich lows, pristine sparkly top end, everything sounds amazing with this mic! I couldn't have been more pleased with this purchase and it will definitely be one of our go to mics in the studio, was worth every penny and the wait!

Review By rockstarmvpaudio

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I can't really add much by the looks of these reviews, besides telling everyone I they are all right! After trying out this mic for the past few weeks I can honestly say I have not used a better LDC in my life. It has a beautiful detailed vintage sound. A bit dark with a touch of saturation in the mid-lows. When treated with eq it can be brightened to taste without it ever sounding thin or harsh. I love the sound of this piece of art and thank the good people at Stam Audio for their hard work and time they put into these mics. We can hear it!!

Review By Stijn Donders

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

I know it might hard to believe that the sonic quality and clarity of the Sony 800G can be reproduced at a fraction of the retail price but the hype is REAL. The moment we heard the SA-800 on vocals our jaws dropped. This may be the best sounding mic I have ever used. Incredibly low noise and superb clarity. It instantly cuts through the mix and sits just perfectly. Everything about this mic is as superb as I could ever dream. If you don't have the SA-800 in your mic locker you are missing a secret weapon that will bring your production to the next level.

Review By Jay Goodman

SA-800G – Tube Condenser Microphone

Just received!! These guys did an incredibile job! The sound is astonishing a perfect an stable tonal balance even at higer volume. Real close to the C800 at fraction of the price.

Review By Riccardo Mazza

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Fantastic!! I used few older models in late 80’ and sa 87 really gives me again that amazing sound!! 5 stars!!!!

Review By Riccardo Mazza

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Do you have the sa87 in stock now ready to ship?

Review By Strat Wiz

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Amazing all around... a must... everything sound good with this mic. Stam rules!!!!

Review By Cactus Studios

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Purchased this mic from Turnlab in Belgium. Absolutely stunning sounding mic. So silky, smooth & full sounding. This mic is in a league of its own compared to other mics in the same price range, and I guarantee it tops more expensive mics too!

Review By Tommy

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

i cant tell if the other review here is racist or not.

Review By Koda Keller

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

my 73mpa is on backorder. from the samples i heard, love the sowter dark sound like the originals. dont let ur competition or anonymous haters on gearslutz, tell you its not good enough, cause you have something special here. youre beating ur competition by having that extra sowter. keep up the great work.

Review By R. A

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Just got them yesterday after an admittedly long wait. But I have to say, they are absolutely fantastic. They compare VERY favorably to my old Neumann 87s, but are damn closely matched and my old ones are definitely not. These are truly great microphones, especially at this price.

Review By D. James Goodwin

Private: V72MP

Awesome if it’s a single unit.

Review By Joel Izquierdo

Private: V72MP

Do you have a single channel version?

Review By Joel Izquierdo

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

Awesome. Worth the wait. EVERYTHING sounds better through them. Only wish Stam would keep making them (or hope the make something similar) so more folks have the opportunity to have these.

Review By Chris Kleiner

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

Fue mi primer equipo comprado en Stam Audio... lo que me llevó a animarme a tener otros, asi de simple. Excelente sonido, compañero inseparable en mis mezclas.

Review By Pablo Urrutia

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Es un excelente equipo, los resultados sonoros son muy buenos, te facilita mucho la vida cuando ya grabas con un producto de calidad, la voces quedan de inmediato adelante, le das unos toquecitos al eq y ya estás listo!!!...lo mejor de todo es que son precios asequibles sin tranzar con la calidad.

Review By Pablo Urrutia

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

I've got a lot of mileage out this microphone! It really does all of the 47fet tricks. Kick drums, bass cabs, brass, and brash singers all get the royal treatment. Smooth top end and BEEFY bottom while being super-tight. Oh, and it's fraction of the price of something with an "N" badge.

Review By Jamie Sitar

SA-251 – Tube Condenser Microphone

This microphone is crisp and clear. In a way, reminds me of a really nice black person. At first, you might be nervous, but after you get to know it, you realize it's really great at dancing.

Review By John

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

I got my pair of EQP1A yesterday They look and work very good. My first test on the mixbus was completely convincing. Very good sounding units. Clear, warm and big. Everything works perfect. So cool to have the mid band with the cut/boost/bypass option. This is a big bonus ! These EQs are very effective. (The same Setting on an UAD or waves Plug In sounds absolute dull. sorry for this unworthy comparison. but other plug ins are often more similar to the modeled hardware units) It feels like you can boost much more with these units without getting an exhausting sound. I am absolutely satisfied. Can't wait to use them on my next mixes and for tracking. Thank you so much Joshua ! Great work

Review By Frank P.

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

Por esta maravilla espere cerca de un año, nunca fui impaciente debido a que sabría que lo que llegaría me sorprendería considerablemente, y así fue. Podría estar todo el día moviendo las perillas para encontrar diferentes sonidos, desde los “seteos” más extremos hasta clásicos que sirven en cualquier mezcla, jamás me cansare de esta gran maquina, al nivelar volúmenes y presionar el botón de bypass el cambio es sumamente notorio y satisfactorio. Excelente trabajo del equipo Stam y felicitaciones.

Review By Fabrizio Guido Cremaschi Valenzuela

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Fue el primer producto que compre a Stam Audio, tomo su tiempo en llegar, pero cuando lo hizo quede sumamente sorprendido, me dio exactamente lo que necesitaba y daban ganas de pasar cualquier pista por el para ver que sucedía y como esta de alguna manera mejoraba su calidad considerablemente, es una maquina sumamente solidad y se nota que su construcción interior es de alta calidad y excelente manufactura. Jamás parare de comprar hardware a Stam Audio demoren lo que demoren es una buena inversión y lo que llega es 100% pura calidad y sabor.

Review By Fabrizio Guido Cremaschi Valenzuela

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

These EQ’s are well thought-out and faithful recreations of the originals. Bass magic attenuation? Check. Variable mid clarifying? Check. Beautiful high-end silly smoothness? Check. Two EQ’s in one, a fraction of the cost of a branded unit, and genuine, premium components. What more could you possibly ask for? I would have never afforded real Pultecs but I don’t feel I am missing a thing with these beauties. So glad I bought a stereo pair!

Review By John Graves

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I own all kinds of mics from RCA 77's to the Brauner Valvet and all points in between. This mic is a spectacular iteration of one of the finest Neumann designs. From it's build quality to its exceptionally low noise floor you simply cannot buy a finer of this microphone on the open market.

Review By Aaron Levinson

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

This is a wonderful piece of gear featuring everything I expext from a unique and first class preamp. Beautiful tone from selected components that make up a top notch gem. Thank you so much Stam Audio!

Review By wolf.hend

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

This is a wonderful piece of gear that performs everything I expect from a unique preamp. Carnhill and Sowter Transformers are top notch and the possibility to side chain additional equipment is absolutely useful. Thank you so much Stam Audio for this superb gem!

Review By Wolfgang Hendrich

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Wow! This mic is everything that I love about old U87's without the price tag. Full and detailed, yet tight and smooth. I just did my first vocal session with my SA87 and could not believe how little I paid to get "that" sound. I would choose this over a new U87ai any day. It doesn't hurt that I can buy 4 or 5 of them for the cost of 1 Neumann!

Review By Jamie Sitar

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

I was first approached by Stam Audio late January 2019 with an offer of a "30% discount to an item of your choice from our catalogue" Well that got my attention so I scootered around the site and landed on the StamChild SA-670 page. It looked so good and authentic. I thought, if it sounded as good as it looked then it will be a great addition to my studio. Then I saw the price and to be honest, was a little skeptical as to how good it could be at such a reasonable price, however with the full refund (including shipping) satisfaction guarantee, I went for it. I paid the $500 deposit and was informed it will be around a 10 week delivery time. Six months later(!) the unit finally arrived (serial number 16). My first impression was wow! This is a quality build, no corners cut. The workmanship inside the unit is equally impressive. I haven’t seen work like this since Pete Cornish hand built my pedal board in the late 80’s. Anyway, the real test was how it sounded and its usability. I tested it on vocals, instruments, 2 bus and mastering chain. I was blown away with how good it sounded. It did everything that was expected of it and more. The added mix/parallel control is a genius move. As an earlier user stated, between 7 & 8 seems to be a sweet spot for the blend. My next move was to compare it to some of the Fairchild plugins, and although the convenience of a plugin is a factor, there is just nothing that compares to an analogue sound going through 18 tubes. In conclusion, Joshua Stam does top shelf work and stands by his gear. Yes the delivery delays were frustrating but a few hours into using the Stamchild the frustration just melted away. I, for one am going to order more of his products before word catches on and the price goes up 🙂 Congrats Joshua on an outstanding build & I look forward to checking out more of your products. Michael Cozzi Owner Moscozzi Studio www.moscozzistudio.com

Review By moscozzi12

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Wow!! What a great microphone and worth the wait... Great body and clarity. Have used many vintage U87's over the years and this does not disappoint. Amazing mic on vocals, guitars and drum room. Keep up the amazing work Stam Audio!!! You're truly making a mark.

Review By TimHo

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

My first experience with Stam and I have to say it has been excellent. I bought a pair of these with the line input transformer and the Sowter output. Pre amp is huge and the EQ is super smooth. Everything it touches turns into something special . Service from Stam has been great from Order to Delivery. Already got my eye on some more Stam products

Review By Ken McGowan

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Excellent preamp and EQ!! I’ve always wanted a 1073pre+eq and I could never afford it, but thanks to Stam now I was able to afford one and get an amazing piece of gear for a fraction of the cost of what the real thing would’ve been. In terms of quality, it is excellent too! Couldn’t have a better preamp at this price and at this level of quality, thank you Stam! 🙂

Review By Daniel Salvador

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

The new Stam audio 87 (neuman U87 clone) mic is working out well. I’m so glad I bought it. It was a hassle getting it here - it took 10 months, and for a while i was wondering if I had been conned. But in the end I realized that it was a quality issue they were working on changing suppliers of the main component. In the end it was worth it.

Review By thane

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

It is the best preamp I've used, built as a tank to last a lifetime. Joshua, Camila and the attention of the whole team is really good. They answered all my questions, I totally recommend this preamp, I will definitely continue shopping at Stam, I want all the microphones!

Review By Boris Gonzalez

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

Great pro sound. Easy to use even if turning off and on and bypassing the compression is a little confusing. Still an amazing piece and compression wise what else do you need. Loving tracking with it 🙂

Review By Eric

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

The SA-87 is a truly great sounding microphone. It sounds every bit as good or better in some cases than my Neumann microphones. Not a fan of the shock mount, but it works. Considering the cost, it's a no brainier. Just have to be extremely patient with shipping times. Mine took almost 11 months to ship after I put down my deposit.

Review By Michael Harmon

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Great great microphone. Very impressed and happy with it. Stam makes great products!

Review By Wes E

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This microphone is very great for the money. I am very happy with it. Have been using it on vocals so far. Definitely recommend!

Review By Wes E

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

The SA87 is an affordable means into the U87 world. This microphone sounds fantastic as well as all of their other microphones. Built well with a classic look.

Review By Wes

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

4/5 Stars I have a pair of Stam’s Pultec clones and I’ve already run two mixes thrum them as part of my 2-bus chain (Manley NuMu > Massive Passive > Kush Clariphonic > Pultecs > Gyraf G-Bus). The good: Compared to similarly priced clones of Pultecs, the Stams clearly benefit from the inclusion of the 3rd transformer stage (as per the original design). They greatly help to round over some of the top end edges that the Clariphonic creates to give a bright, but rounded, top-end. The other clones I’ve heard I’ve heard are less ‘warm’ and add too much edge to the top-end for a Pultec style EQ; at that point, I would rather go just the UAD route. I also love the refined purist route they went; including the third transformer stage, but also morphing in the mid-band control of the M-EQ Pultec! The bad: Took 9 months to fulfill the order, and a bit too many paranoid e-mails with customer service to keep up to speed. They also shipped to my old studio address despite my message to them that I had moved; however, this isn’t ridiculous considering that it was the address on the PayPal invoice. That being said, I can see the improvements that Josh is making to how the ship floats (rather than just how powerful the cannons are), so I’m very optimistic that Stam will prove to be an excellent company. Best of luck Stam! I’ll definitely have more purchases from you in the future! - Stephen Kurpis / Vitruvian Sound NYC

Review By Stephen Kurpis

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I love this mic. It fits my voice so well, taming the transients and articulations that tend to spike in other LDCs. They've nailed the feedback/ transformer mojo of the originals. Mid-forward and warm, with a gorgeously managed low-end. Takes EQ exceptionally well. Lack of modern HF extension is actually a selling point for me. Between this and the SA47 I have so many voices covered.

Review By Caleb

SA-23A – Analog Tube Optical Compressor

I recieved my Stam SA3A 3 months ago i live in Australia and all i can say is its a true work of art i have access to a very well kept vintage UREI la3a so i did the a b thingy and it won to my ears and im into the vintage tone i do old 50,s 60,s music i use just a touch on vocals and bliss my friend has the sa2a and again magic i sold my warm audio wa2a which are good but on a different level so this made me without hesitation put a deposit down on the sa23a+ Oh i almost forgot the sa23a+ has the highly under rated la4 on it now there is a lot of controversy over the urei la4a but i find it fabulous on vocals it was the compressor used on roy orbisons album california blue so what a monster this comp is gonna be i am drooling to get it i think that Joshua is a young enthusiastic genius and Camila is an Angel take care of her and she will take care of you if you can wait a bit you will be estatic im sure and i never write reviews just thought i had to in this case thanx Mike

Review By Michael van zetten

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

Simple and extremely well-built compressor. I have no doubt that it will last for a long time. The fact that you are able to change between "A" "D" and "G" with just a press of a button is amazing innovation which helps my workflow immensely. Own the unit for almost 6 months now and haven't had a regret one single time for buying it. As far as sound is concerned, the knobs are made in a way which enables me to both smoothly and rapidly dial in order to find the right level of affecting the source. Buttons are well made (no popping out or something similar). I was only surprised that unit was off when on is pressed, but, regardless, I am giving this unit 5+ stars for sound alteration and quality. Affordable and amazing outboard!!! Well done STAM.

Review By Luka

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

Increíble producto Gracias Joshua van der Stam y Camila junto a todo el equipo de Stam Audio que está detrás de estos maravillosos productos. Es increíble la magia que tiene en las voces solo aumentando los 100 hz y los 10Khz, brillan! Y le da una presencia tremenda. Ni hablar de la tarola y principalmente el KICK!!. en TODO brilla esta unidad. Gracias por el rango de frecuencia medio lo amo igual 🙂

Review By Dylan Penney

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Just took this mic out for it's first session a few days after receiving it and it was love at first listen. Ran it through my Neve Shelford channel, the sound was phenomenal! Soon to have a permeant home in my studio A Top Secret Location once construction is done!

Review By Steve "Rock Star" Dickey

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

We decided to purchase an SA4000 for Dirt Floor Recording Studio in Connecticut. We had been using an SSL knock off made by Vintage Audio for our buss compressor. I was a little nervous that I was putting a $100 down payment on a unit that was not built yet, was not in the USA, and could not be tested at a dealer, but I thought it was worth the gamble. The unit took about 2 months to show up. Upon opening the box, I saw that the exterior build quality was first class. I got the phillips screwdriver next and opened it up to make sure it was what I thought it was, and sure enough the guts were first class build all the way! I believe the website said it was XLR I/O but the unit has balanced TRS. Not a big deal since it's going to sit in a rack in the studio. Well, we wired it up to the patch bay and strapped it across the stereo buss of our Toft ATB 24 and BOOM!!! There was that SSL sound! Punch all day long, lots of gain make up, and input headroom that we have not hit the top of yet! The metering is nice and easy to see across the control room. Knobs and switches are solid. Even the power switch is top quality. We have not wired up the sidechain yet because the unit is in service around the clock! I would highly recommend this unit to anyone that may be using an SSL master buss plug-in in your DAW, or if you are mixing on a console through a lower quality stereo compressor. If you can go out of the box through this and back into your DAW again, you'll be very happy with the results! Like I always say, Vintage gear is only as cool as the repair bill. We considered a vintage SSL FX384, but decided to try the SA4000. The sound of the SA4000 is about 99% of the SSL and saving $3,000 makes it sound even better than the SSL 384! This unit costs about $600 US, so you're losing money if you don't buy it. I'd consider any product made by STAM in the future. Nice job Joshua!!!

Review By Steve Wytas

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

This is a honestly huge sounding pre amp!! It makes the singer smile. it has a certain touch of magic. Vocals seriously become huge, and believe me i tried a range of valuable pre amps. it has the dark vintage tone. it does have a certain tone. and it has HUGE amount of gain!!!! Talking about the EQ, the eq is sooooooo smoooth, u raise the high end to the end, still do not get any spitty type of effect. its so silky. the low is not muddy AT ALL!!! amazing piece of gear.

Review By Karnig Baghdassarian

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I waited patiently for the model with the Sowter transformers and it was totally worth it. This thing sounds absolutely gorgeous. Like velvet butter. It's also whisper quiet. I engaged the DI and cranked the gain to max and no noise at all. The sound is huge, smooth, but still incredibly detailed. It made my "whatever" guitar in my "whatever" room sound (almost) like a Fleetwood Mac record. I'm incredibly impressed and totally in love with it. Can't wait for the rest of the stuff I have on order 🙂

Review By Al Isler

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

Great product! The build is very good, very solid. Sound quality is excellent!

Review By Serge monette

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

In today’s world of instant gratification of buying something on the internet today and having it at your doorstep tomorrow morning, ordering a piece of audio gear made by Stam must seem crazy to 99.9% of people on Earth. When a new Stam product is announced, it’s usually a computer mock up and a circuit that being designed by Joshua van der Stam in Chile, but if you’re one of the first to pre order one, you’ll get a discount! Here’s where the big leap of faith and patience comes in. I took that leap a few years ago with the Stam Audio SA4000 compressor. I put down my $100USD via Paypal and rolled the dice on an unknown company on another continent with not much of a track record. If I never saw my money again, it was no big deal. I’ve purchased plugins for my DAW for five times as much, and to this day, I still never use them and now are not compatible with newer DAWs. Stam Audio was in its infancy, and a business model of getting down payments to source the parts and get them built was unheard of in the industry. Any problems, and there would be a lot of angry customers. The SA4000 took about 2 months to arrive, but when it did, I was very impressed by the build quality. After putting it into service, the sound was equally impressive. I purchased the SA4000 because I’ve only owned Neve consoles, loved the SSL master buss sound, but I didn’t want to dish out the big money for an SSL FX384 or a used SSL 4000 console. Since I purchased the SA4000, Stam Audio has really ramped up the product line of classic design preamps, EQs, and compressors as well as microphones. I was pretty well stocked up in those departments at my facility, so I didn’t need to make another purchase until the BIG announcement came in 2018. The Holy Grail of compressors was being brought back to life. The Stamchild 670 stereo tube compressor was announced!!! I had the opportunity to purchase a Fairchild 670 in 1990 for whopping $10,000USD, but I thought a Lexicon 480L would be a better investment for my studio because I could rent the unit out to other facilities in the area and make some extra money when it wasn’t in use. Well, the 670 kept going up up up in resale value and the 480L kept going down down down. I guess a Fairchild 670 would never be in my budget in this lifetime, so I resorted to using plugins to get “that Fairchild sound”. I took the leap of faith again after the BIG Stamchild 670 announcement and put down $500 on a pre-order. The Stam website listed a delivery time of 3 months which was not to too bad considering the SA4000 took two months to deliver. Following Stam Audio on social media became very difficult after putting down my deposit. Angry posts kept showing up about lack of delivery of products ordered months earlier and the Stamchild 670 release dates kept being delayed because of numerous things that were out of the control of Stam like sourced parts and custom transformers. With new products being announced just about every month, I started to rethink if the Stamchild 670 would ever become a reality. I reminded myself of the “Good, Fast, Cheap, pick any two” rule, so I subtracted “Fast” from the equation. Stam Audio gear it’s not going to be ordered online today and show up tomorrow like a 1-800-Sweet-Gear store, but it will be Good and Cheap (inexpensive). In fact, I know a guy that has been trying to make his own Fairchild clone for years at the cost of almost $10,000USD and it’s still not finished! I put aside the idea that the Stamchild was going to show up by the end of 2018, and watched pictures of the test units on the bench over the next few months on the Stam Facebook page, and then I got an unexpected email from Stam with the subject line: Stamchild Invoice. I almost panicked! I was lulled into waiting so long that now I have to come up with the rest of the payment in order for it to ship. I made the payment and received an email from Stam with the DHL tracking number. I checked the DHL website every four hours to watch the progress from Chile to the United States and eventually got a text message from DHL alerting me that the unit was on the truck and would be delivered by the end of the day! The Stamchild 670 was delivered with a personal thank you for my patience for waiting so long. I opened up the double boxed unit, and there it was. Forty pounds of tube compression heaven! I couldn’t get it plugged in fast enough and hooked up to a sound source. Once I plugged it in and let it warm up (literally), the sound coming out of the Stamchild was better than the sound going in. Magical, yet almost transparent. It was doing it’s thing! I quickly played around with some of the input and gain reduction settings as well as the ratio presets and filters. Wow! I really loved the sound of the WET/DRY setting in the 7-8 position where you get a nice blend of the original signal and make up the wet signal by the front panel input gain. The final make up gain is set by the output knob, which never needed to go beyond half way. The unit offers the perfect amount of much wanted musical Total Harmonic Distortion to bring the sound to life. With eighteen vintage tubes, six custom transformers, and the retro vintage knobs, the Stamchild 670 is now the centerpiece of our outboard gear at Dirt Floor Recording and Production in the United States and it will be in daily use for years to come. Joshua van der Stam is very ambitious, very detail oriented when it comes to his designs, and his passion for sound quality is a bit off the charts. In fact, he may be too ambitious. To say the wait time to get a unit delivered is long is an understatement, but when it arrives, you’ll know the sound quality is going to be outstanding. Stam products are a work of art and are not mass produced by robots. When your unit arrives, open up the lid (with the unit unplugged!!) and take a look inside and you’ll see what I mean. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to making high quality audio equipment and making the Stamchild 670 available to us Josh! Steve Wytas Chief Engineer Dirt Floor Recording and Production http://dirtfloorrecordingstudio.com/

Review By Audio 911

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I am very happy with my purchase! The vocals are stunning. Magical Microphone!

Review By Adrian Csapo - Csapo Studios

EQP-1AS – Analog Tube Equalizer

I bought a pair of these bad boys. The bottom end on the Stam, was tight and punchy (no flubber) and resonated beautifully! The high end was silky and smooth, it was so pleasant to the ears. The sonics were deep and 3d, I love these units. Yes do believe the Hype, Stam stands up like a champion and most importantly I love what Joshua stands for in the market, these units were made with heart & soul, you can feel it. Best investment I made! Thank you

Review By assaad.lakkis

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

English Translation of First Review: High machine, a true beast! In my opinion there is no better way to describe it. It is a living machine, in the good sense of the word, it demands that you listen carefully, that you feel how it interacts with your music, they have a tremendous sound, it is difficult to find the right word, because it is not HiFi, much less LowFi, the distortion It is not like that of a cheap equipment that more than excite, it breaks all the vibe, the SA-670 enlarges, controls, has personality but can treat the audio with affection and softness. Stam is going to break it with this team!

Review By Antony Mosley

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

My 1073eq took almost 2 years to arrive ...was it worth the wait? YES! ABSOLUTELY! This unit sounds beautiful. I am a very happy man. Thanks Stam!

Review By Stephen Gallagher

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I bought a pair of these with the line input transformer and the Sowter output. They're incredible. They sound just as huge and smooth as the originals, but they're dependable and affordable. So far, I've used them on vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, and synth - all with the expected stunning result.

Review By Jamie Sitar

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

The SA-76ADG is a brilliant box, having 3 revisions in one. It has a rich, elegant and harmonically dense sound that will sweeten and add vibe to anything you use it on. And the price is incredible. My only constructive feedback and the reason for the missing star are these few things. 1) The compression behavior of this box does not have the control that a typical 1176 has. If you're looking for something to really clamp down and add smack to a source, this isn't the box. It has the flavor of a 76 (3 different 76's!), but the compression behavior is much gentler. 2) The detents of the input and output pots make setting levels challenging because their fine movement, especially on the input, has a very coarse effect. One detent might make a much more dramatic change than needed. Also, I have a pair of ADG's and because of the slight differences in each unit's input pots I can't get them to match for a stereo pair because the detent's leap-frog each other. 3) This is a non-issue but aesthetically, I'm not sure why the silkscreen for the revision radio-buttons are labeled "meter" when it should be labeled "revision" and the OFF button is labeled "on." That constructive criticism aside, I love my 2 ADG's and won't part with them anytime soon. Great value for the price. Thanks, Stam.

Review By Mark

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I got a lot of mics in my locker, Neumanns, JZs, Nevatons, Lautenaudio etc.. but I really love this mic. I only buy it because I want to use it for vocals recordings but after 5 month its one of my go to mics for everything. Great as a OH Mono Mic. Incredible in front of the kick. Nice at E-Guitars, AccGuitars etc... The only problem....I need one more 🙂 Because the wait was long I tried out the warm audio. And IMHO with the WA-47 you get only an idea how a U-47 maybe could be, but the Stam make the magic ! The built quality of the WA-47 by the way is shit. I mean really shit. The only sad thing about the S47 is that the powersupply has no light to shows that it´s on. THANK YOU STAM !

Review By Patrick Bohr

StamChild SA-670 MK2 – Stereo Analog Tube Compressor

Alta máquina, una verdadera bestia! En mi opinión no hay mejor manera de describirla. Es una máquina viva, en el buen sentido de la palabra, te exige que escuches atentamente, que sientas como interactúa con tu música, tienen un tremendo sonido, es dificil encontrar la palabra justa, porque no es HiFi, mucho menos LowFi, la distorsión no es como la de un equipo barato que mas que excitar, rompe toda la vibra, el SA-670 agranda, controla, tiene personalidad pero puede tratar al audio con cariño y suavidad. Stam la va a romper con este equipo!

Review By Alejandro Sanchez

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I’ve got 4 of these and I’ll probably be ordering more. These sound great and all of the input and output options on the back make my work flow so much easier. I’ve been happy with everything I’ve bought from Stam so far and they’ve really outdone themselves with this one. Thanks Stam!!!

Review By Dave

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Fantástico preamp! Nada como enchufar el micrófono y tus voces encajarán perfectamente en la mezcla. Probado también en un bajo y el low end es impresionante! Felicidades a todo el equipo de stam audio por la fabricación de uno de los mejores aparatos que he tenido ocasión de probar. Genial servicio al cliente y rápido envío!

Review By Pablo

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

This is another instant classic from Stam Audio! I grabbed a couple of these SA-76 ADG's... and am extremely happy I did. Switching between the all the 1176 versions has been incredible. They all sound so different, and the ability to alter the vibe of your program material by simply switching through each type is VERY cool. This was such a brilliant idea from Stam, and makes these an instant classic. Each version sounds incredible... the warmth and punch of these compressors is really astounding. I'm super happy!

Review By Michael Dietel

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Everything sounds big through this preamp. It has a great warm saturation and you can really feel and hear the quality of construction. I use it on recordings and also in the mixing process re-amping old tracks to get a new/different flavour into my mixes. It was worth the wait and I would totally recommend it.

Review By Raúl

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Initially used on a kick (external in front), have since used it on a bass cabinet and and upright bass. Incredible!!! As said in earlier reviews, it's musical!! What else needs to be said...

Review By JC Lamson

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Finally received the 1073MPA w/ sowter transformers, it was well worth the waiting time. So far I used it for acoustic guitar, drum overheads, vocals. Beautiful round tone, every signal that goes through it becomes much more easy to mix. I cannot compare to an original 1073 but I'm very happy to own this preamp and will definitely consider buying another!

Review By borhythm

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

When the SA47FET arrived, there was something rattling inside the grill. Josh got me in touch with Stam's service guy in the USA -it took about a week to get the repaired unit back. So... one of my worries about buying gear from Chile and getting the gear serviced was satisfied. Over the years I found every company is great when they're trying to get your $'s, but how they respond to a problem really tells what kind of company you're dealing with and Stam Audio is TOP NOTCH!! As far as actual use the mic was initially for use on kick & bass cabinet and for both it is incredible!! It's my 'go to' for both now. This past weekend I used it on an upright bass HOLY SH!T!!! The detail, definition, silkiness & articulation was breathtaking!! A GREAT mic from a GREAT company!! Kudos Josh!!

Review By JC Lamson

SA-76ADF – Analog FET Compressor

Looking forward to a visit to Chile on the 25th of July. I would love to visit your facility and speak with you I have many clients who have shown an interest Especially with the 1176 series SA-76ADF Regards Karl

Review By Karl Grant

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I own a pair of SA67’s with Telefunken NOS tubes and am complete inspired by these mics. They sound rich and detailed on everything I throw at them. Drum overheads, string quartets, vocals, acoustic guitar, percussion, room mics, all sound rich, smooth, and detailed. Joshua and his crew work very hard at delivering absolute incredible gear. The quality of the work coming out of my studio has grown exponentially with my collection of Stam gear. Having a pair of SA67’s is a definite game changer!! Thanks Stam!

Review By Jason

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Very happy with these mics! Pairs up nicely with the Neve 1073 for vocals. Great!

Review By Nils Christian Fossdal

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

I do not have any experience with the original hardware, but the sound of this pre-amp is absolutely amazing. As soon as stam is selling them again, i ll order a second one! <3

Review By Lutz Munka

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

I use my 1073mpa on absolutely everything. And it all sounds good. Especially on electric guitars, vocals, and bass. Keys, percussion....everything. The saturation is glorious and it is THAT sound. Great price, great build, great preamp. I will keep on buying from Stam.

Review By The Rev

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

I am not a singer, but I am a vocalist with a nasally voice. The SA67 adds a smoothness and a professional sheen to my voice that just works! And It sounds great on guitar cabs, bass cabs, acoustics, percussion, everything. Hands down the best mic I have ever used.

Review By The Rev

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I have been using this mic for a few months now, and I love it. Works great on everything, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, in front of a Drum Kit and is specially great on Vocals. It has been de #1 mic of the studio since his arrival. Great construction and comes with an excellent case and the proper accessories for this kind of mic Thanks guys!

Review By martin schlotfeldt

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

The STAM SA47 is a fantastic microphone. Well built, fantastically priced, and sounds glorious. I couldn't be happier.

Review By Peter Knight

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

The 1073 Pre/EQ has such a beautiful sound and is very versatile. First, all on sources, as an EQ insert, it completely blew away every 1073 plugin I own (UAD, Waves, etc). On live tracked vocals the sound was huge. I can only describe it as lush, wide and open with a rich tone. It put a smile on my face the second I heard with without even having to turn any knobs. When you start getting into pushing the unit harder, the distortions produced are very pleasant. I highly recommend this unit to anyone serious about recording acoustic instruments especially vocals. I also love 1073 on kick/snare, but it will sound good on anything. Extra brownie points to Stam for shipping it so fast as well (it arrived at my place in 4 days once it was shipped from their warehouse).

Review By RyanRuin

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Fantastic work! Awesome on vocal, acoustic guitar, Drum mono room. Versatile and beautiful microphone. Thanks for your work.

Review By Leviss (BREVIS recording studio)

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

I bought four SA-87 for use in Japan. The sound quality is almost the same as the original 87i in the studio. It is an almighty mic that can be used for various recordings such as vocals, pianos, strings, and brass. I highly recommend it.

Review By fkenbo

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

Nothing short of amazing. A pleasure to use. Brings out a musical quality in our singers we have not heard before. Compared this to a Flea 47 - same ballpark. Could not be happier with this investment. Thanks Stam for another great product. Cost has always been our guiding factor - we need the best quality for the lowest price, and this product, we feel, is setting the bar quite high for similar microphones. We finally have a sound that we always wanted - but for a very reasonable price. One note - we did notice that the phase was inverted when the mic arrived. We became aware of this issue from another reviewer, checked it out and they were correct in their assessment. Not sure where the issue occurred in the circuit but our tech was able to fix the polarity flip. Will update when we have more specific info. Thanks! Analog Rock Machine Studio Honolulu, HI

Review By Chris Chorney

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

The Stam SA-47F is a fantastic mic. This exceeded our expectations. The sound is full and clear with a great low end. We use this on kick, vocals and guitar through the Stam 1073MPA. It just sounds correct - and musical. We usually combine this mic (outside) with a D6 (inside) the kick. Just ordered another one too. I can't think of a more solid investment. Things we love: The sturdy build and heft, decent shock mount system, sound quality especially the way it handles the kick drum, its musicality and usefulness on many sources. Thanks Stam! Analog Rock Machine Studio Honolulu, HI

Review By Chris Chorney

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

We have been using our Stam Audio 1073DPA For about a year now and we are extremely happy with the results. It is as clear, full-bodied and trouble-free as we could have hoped for. We rely on it every day and it is a workhorse preamp! Vocals sound clear and full. It has never given us any problems, and we want more of them! We know we can rely on Stam to deliver something special and useable; there is nothing in this price range we can think of that gives us a better sound quality. It has helped us take our music to the next level of quality for a very reasonable cost. Features we love: the insert point (used this for sending vocals through guitar pedals and tape delays), well-built, Sowter transformers. There is music in this box. Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii, Chris and Lock from Analog Rock Machine Studio

Review By Chris Chorney

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

I've found the SA-47F to be the perfect snare bottom mic for an explosive and aggressive sounding snare without being harsh or grating. It's become my go-to!

Review By Adam Nolly Getgood

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This mic is gold ! Never had the pleasure of using an original one , but i don’t feel the need anymore . Beautifull full shimmering in depth 3-d sound to me !

Review By Frankie

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Very nice Mic , we have a vintage 47 fet at the studio so I can compare , the stam is just a tad brighter but then again the neumann is old and there probably some dirt on it from the years ( that vintage tone haha) great mic for a lot of purposes ( not just kick 😉 ) like everything from stam , top notch !!! Well worth the wait . U go Joshua keep making that kick ass gear

Review By Frankie

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Brilliant microphone. Sounds epic on kick drums as one would expect but is also great for vocals.

Review By CDiscman

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Wonderful microphone. As expected from a U47FET clone, the lows are great: works very well on a bass cab for example. The highs are quite smooth as well, but still very detailed. I've made a few demo's of the sounds on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoH3BE98tL4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz-et0CleMM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQL41TYM3WU The build quality feels very solid as well, and the shockmount is also very good and sturdy: Way better than the shockmount that comes with the AKG 414 for example.

Review By Sonic Circuitry

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Pre amp and EQ both sound top drawer, love mine

Review By Gavin

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

WOW This is the Best preamp and EQ I’ve ever used, Without the eq the preamp has an awesome forward presence, with the EQ engaged it has a beautifully rich low end with a top end that is crisp and airy, thank you Stam Audio.

Review By derekreesemusic

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

The SA-47F is the first Stam product I purchased and I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly it arrived (2 weeks, all the way to the U.S. from Chile), the exceptional build quality, and of course the most important factor of all — how it sounds! I had heard that 47 FETs were most engineers go-to outside kick mics and now I know why. The SA-47F literally gets used on every drum recording now. It's equally good on bass amp and yet it's got enough detail to even work on male vocals! At this price point, it's an absolute no brainer.

Review By Ben

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

I bought my first Stam Audio 1073 MPA around Christmas 2018. I have used it non stop. It is super reliable & sounds amazing. I have used the real thing many times and this is super close to that. In fact for the money, you can’t beat it. It is built like a tank with top notch components. And it’s actually more reliable than a vintage neve. I will keep buying from Josh at Stam with confidence. They offer so many cool versions of vintage gear. You really can’t beat them. And the customer service is great. They will help you with any concerns. Only down side is since the company is growing and everything is hand built, it can take time. It’s not a crazy wait time but in my opinion the wait that you may encounter time to time is worth it. Seriously can’t say enough great things about them. -Stephen Nation Records Studio

Review By Stephen Naveed

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

This microphone is gorgeous. Thus far I've used it on the resonant head of a kick, as a mono overhead, and on vocals. Incredible detail and range without being fatiguing.

Review By Dan Sherwood

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Just ordered my second-MUST have a pair of these. Sounds so so great on everything. Built like a tank-heavy in the hands- a joy to hold and plug in and let that gold warm sound flow into your recorder. STOP F!@#$%^&K around and get a real Mic! This is it!


SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

I have been fortunate enough to hang around some amazing recording engineers and recording equipmen over the last 28 years. I've heard many U47s in my life- the most recent was a matched pair with consecutive serial numbers and a stereo power supply! The vintage mics sound incredible!!! My SA47 arrived and it also sounds incredible! I was able to A/B the SA47 to the pair mentioned above. Most U47s sound different from each other. The vintage U47s are over 50 years old and are in great shape but who knows what they've been through over the years. You truly are getting the closest thing to a real U47 with it's high quality. The high end capsule is made by Dany Bouchard in Canada and are professionally skinned with DuPont Mylar and an AMI transformer! No cheap Chinese capsules and transformers!

Review By Vahe Manoukian

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

My SA-47 arrived some months ago (after waiting only 3 weeks for shipping to Germany) and yet there seems to be no source it cannot handle. Especially drum room recordings blew me away. Vocals sound full and sit in the mix very well. It took some days to understand that it just does not need a lot of EQ. Being used to a Neumann U87 Ai (which was my workhorse before) and dealing with it´s harshness the SA-47 does sound very natural and full bodied compared to the U87. STAM´s Pultec may be a good partner to add a little shine on dull voices - maybe that will be my next order from STAM 😉 I will be doing a little shootout with my U87 Ai as soon as I have a free week without recordings

Review By Eike Groenewold

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

STAM has done it again. My 2nd purchase with STAM and I knew I would be getting something special again. This mic is amazing. It is beautifully built and sounds amazing. Nice smooth thick vocals, great for acoustic guitar as well...piano, anything you want to record this just works and gives you a great vintage tone. Shot it against a Telefunken u48 and it's detail response was almost identical. Congrats guys, another winner here.

Review By Matt Berky

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

So glad I ordered 2! Amazing on vocals of course, but equally awesome as a stereo pair on drums and piano. Great build quality - a total bargain!

Review By Jamie Sitar

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

The vintage Neve tone you are looking for, plus an excellent EQ to add presence to your material.

Review By Daniel

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

Worth the wait!! The Stam 1073EQ does not disappoint. Great vintage tone. As good as the originals. Some other clones kinda "get close" but this delivers the magic. Keep up the great work Stam!

Review By tim

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

These sound great, I've got a couple with the Carnhill and a couple with the Sowter options. They are raw and a great addition to the studio sounds great on drums, guitar and vocals and really bring out the texture of the parts through the mics. They are well built and solid to touch, ordering and delivery was easy and they came to Australia well packaged. Highly recommend for some 1073 sounding pre's at an amazing price.

Review By Guy Cooper

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

i have two sets of this pre. one with sowter, one without. both sound just great. Electric guitars, bass, overheads and rooms have never sounded better. i've tried GAP, Warm, GR, and this by far stomps them.SO happy i waited for them.

Review By Nathan Boots

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

This mic is worth every penny. Did mic shootouts with different singers and the SA-47 always just sounded like a record right away. It comes in a beautiful case + flight case, the power supply is beefy in all the right ways, the cable is extra long, and the shockmount is very sturdy. I can't say enough about how great it sounds on anything you put it in front of. Also, don't sleep on the omni pattern!

Review By egroys

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

I love this pre-amp. I use it on just about everything. I noticed that if I turned it up to very high gain and don't trim it down, it began to oscillate and make wild sounds. Although these came into use once, I reached out to the Stam team. They sent replacement parts, gave instructions for my tech, and covered my repair costs. That's the only reason I put 4 stars. But honestly, 5 star pre-amp especially for the price.

Review By egroys

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

I waited a long time to receive this baby, but it is the best sounding version of this preamp we have in our studio and we have 2 other more expensive brands. It’s bigger and richer sounding. I love it. Thanks Stam. They kept me going through the wait.

Review By Robert Moyle

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Everything you expect it to be. Loud and lovely rich velvety saturation. Built like a tank and the DI is also surprisingly better than I expected. A no brainer at this price point. I primarily use this in my portable rack setup for out of studio vocal work but would happily use it in a normal studio environment.

Review By Warren Hunter

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Happy owner of a 1073 MPA (with sowter mod). This is a fairly new acquisition for me but I've really put it through it's paces the last couple months on a film project and I am supremely impressed. The clarity, presence, fullness of the sound is truly remarkable, especially at this price point. My synths, vocals, rhodes, and guitars all have that little something extra. While I don't have much familiarity with the OG 1073's, I have spent a lot of time with a pair of pristine 1084's and to my ears, Stam's recreation of that preamp is absolutely spot-on. Bravo and thank you!

Review By Jordan Lewis

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Very nicely built and sounds great. Fantastic for low output mics like the SM7b and compliments my vintage ribbon mics well. I'm very happy with the 1073MPA and will be buying another in the near future.

Review By Dave Cox

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I’ve bought the first version of the SA-4000 and I Love it! The SA-4000 is a great sounding unit! STAM Audio hands down has the BEST prices and most important of all, sound quality and build quality of their gear! Thanks for making Such Great Gear!

Review By omegason28

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Don’t think twice and get it! This thing sounds absolutely amazing. Very lucky to own 2 of theses units.

Review By José J. Becerra

SA-47 MK3- Tube Condenser Microphone

For the price this is an absolute awesome microphone. For vocals this is pretty much the go to, whether screaming aggressive or the softest of ballads.

Review By oliver.jp.kenny

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

I have the singular version of the bluestrip rev A and it sounds amazing. For vocals it is just the trick and sounds awesome.

Review By oliver.jp.kenny

SA-23A – Analog Tube Optical Compressor

I have the singular version of the LA3A and it is amazing. Sounds just like the vintage LA3A's that I have used in some of the more expensive studios. My guitars live on it.

Review By oliver.jp.kenny

SA-2A+ – Tube Optical Compressor

SA-2A The original SA-2A was my first Stam Audio purchase, I was looking to add some outboard to my recording chain in order to improve the signal going into the DAW whilst tracking, rather than using plug-ins after the A/D conversion. Being based in the UK, I was nervous ordering having only read a few reviews and comments on web forums, But I spoke with Joshua on the phone and was lucky enough to be able to order a rare ‘in-stock’ unit. It arrived promptly, and incredibly well packaged. I did have to pay UK customs charges on it which was a drag, but even so it was still a bargain, the build quality is exceptional. Without doubt no other single piece of equipment has had such a noticeable effect on my recordings. It was a night and day difference. I honestly couldn’t believe the improvement. Vocal tracks now sounded much smoother and thicker, bass tracks just locked in place and sounded richer and warmer. In fact I haven’t found a single instrument that doesn’t benefit from being run through the unit. And it is just so damn enjoyable to use. My only problem now is that I liked it so much that I also ordered the SA-76-Rev-A, so now I have to decide which one to use as they both sound exceptional, of course when appropriate my favourite setting is to use them both in sequence! I can only imagine that the SA-2A+ is going to please anyone who orders it. Having the extra options will be a great benefit, although I like the limitations of having just the two controls (plus the toggle) on the original model. If you are considering a purchase, I say just do it. may take a while to arrive but once you start using it you will be smiling every time.

Review By Sean

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Este Preamplificador te va a volar la cabeza, Brutal el rango bajo y el llenador rango de armónicos que producen, si puedes obtenerlo en STOCK no lo dudes, si tienes que esperar por el, NO LO DUDES. STAM AUDIO TIENE GARANTIA DE QUE RECIBIRAS UN PRODUCTO HECHO CON AMOR, Y COMO EN EL AMOR, TIENES QUE ESPERAR! Gracias a Josh Y su equipo siempre respondieron a mis dudas.

Review By reservas.cdtravel

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

My kick drum sounds brutal with this mic, One of my best investments.

Review By José J. Becerra

SA-76+ – Four 1176 compressors in one

This thing is fantastic. All revisions sound great, the build quality is top and it really stands out in the rack (and gets lots of compliments). The all-in buttons mode is the icing on the cake! Highly recommended.

Review By Alex AVR Music

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

The SA-87 is a piece of art! Very solidly built. Vocals sound absolutely outstanding with this microphone. This mic also takes EQ beautifully. I have it going into my Stam Audio 1073EQ preamp (with Sowter output transformer)...and the combination is killer...especially with the EQ dialed in!

Review By Steve G

SA-67 MK3 – Tube Condenser Microphone

This is how midrange should sound!, the highs are so smooth, you can be sure any singer would get that vintage magic with this mic. Estos son los medios que estaba buscando!, los agudos son muy suaves, de seguro todo cantante se verá beneficiado con un toque mágico de nostalgia vintage usando este mic.

Review By Daniel

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

This may be everyone's go-to kick drum mic, but it is by no means a one-trick-pony. I love it on vocal, acoustic guitar, even piano room mic. If you told me this mic cost over $1,000 I wouldn't blink an eye. For only $590, everyone needs (at least) one SA-47F.

Review By thesleepywest

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

Absolutely in love with the sound. Did a shoot out with a new U87 and preferred the character of the Stam. Well worth the wait.

Review By Jake Robertz

SA-87 MK3- Condenser Microphone

This is an *amazing* microphone. Stam Audio is meticulous in the quality of products they make.

Review By Richard Plotkin

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

This unit lives on my mix bus (and occasionally used on drum buses). Amazing glue, punch, and attitude. Destroys any plugin by miles. Highly recommended!

Review By RyanRuin

1073MP- 2-Channel Microphone Preamplifier

The 1073 MPA is a gorgeous sounding unit. It has a very smooth sound with the smiley face tone that we have all come to know and love. Comparing to UAD 1073 plugins and some other cloned preamps I own, the 1073MPA has a more rich and beautiful 3d image, and sounded like a record from the start. The plugins fell short and sounded dull, 2d, and flat. Depending on the mic choice and how you mic your source, you probably won't even need EQ if you go through one of these units. Highly recommended.

Review By RyanRuin

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I've bought the first version of the SA4000 and oh boy what a great sounding unit! Stam Audio won me over with their prices and most important of all, sound quality ! The SA4000 is untouchable by all software emulations I've used. The stereo field just opens up and the whole mix glue together amazingly. The sound is superb and with the new added features of the SA4000 mk2 , you can't go wrong. Would buy it again in a instant! Looking forward to my next gear from Stam Audio. Ferdinand

Review By skead.ferdinand3

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I've bought the first version of the SA4000 and oh boy what a great sounding unit! Stam Audio won me over with their prices and most important of all, sound quality ! The SA4000 is untouchable by all software emulations I've used. The stereo field just opens up and the whole mix glue together amazingly. The sound is superb and with the new added features of the SA4000 mk2 , you can't go wrong. Would buy it again in a instant! Looking forward to my next gear from Stam Audio.

Review By skead.ferdinand3

1073EQ+ – Microphone Preamplifier & Equalizer

This is a thing of beauty. Fantastic on my vocal chain. The pre amp is incredible on its own and the eq is bang on. Used this on the bass the other day and it really smashes life. I had some neve pre amps that I use also and it’s really hard to tell the difference. This is a no brainer!

Review By scottyjrocker

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

The Stam 47FET is truly incredible. It gives me “that” kick sound as heard on countless hit records, and also happens to sound amazing on vocals. The depth on male vocals is awesome, and it’s fat and smooth without the low end dominating. An absolute no brainer for $599.

Review By Ian

SA-47F MK2 – FET Condenser Microphone

Love this mic, I usually use it for kick out, it has that sound you'll expect from a U-47, meaty and lovely low end. But it also shines on vocals!

Review By jorgenberg

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

I have had this unit for sometime now, and it's a beautiful peace of gear, highly recommended. It lives on my master bus, oh man it's happy there. Instant mojo and glue!

Review By jorgenberg

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

11/14/16 I have to give it up to Stam Audio from Chile. Bought an audio compressor from them (SSL G4000 clone), had a minor issue with it & they didn't even flinch. Send it back & we'll get you out a new one (covered the shipping cost too). Way to stand behind your gear. Awesome! Not to mention the thing sounds really killer. First I smashed some drums with it (awesome) then I used it on my 2 mix buss with amazing results (very nice glue). Quality build too, the knobs are solid, the meter is well lite, the push buttons are tight, it looks cool, & it's a very solid piece of gear. Did I mention it sounds KILLER? This piece is a no brainer for any studio. Kudos to Stam Audio! syranlangley

Review By szyam

SA4000 MK2 – Analog VCA Stereo Buss Compressor

3/16/16 Today I had the chance to use the new SA-4000 Stereo Bus Compressor from Stam Audio at the studio, I was a bit skeptical in the beginning, even though they did a fantastic job with the LA-2A which I believe is identical to the original Teletronix I had my concerns based on it´s price point. I had about 4 hours to test it so I did what I would normally do with a buss compressor, I ran some drums and mixes through it today and I can honestly say that it surpassed my expectations, the unit sounds absolutely fantastic and feels great. Soundwise it has the glue effect just like the original SSL that we all desire but in a much more musical way than my plugins or TK Audio BC1 compressor. I wish I could have kept this unit at my studio but it has to travel around to other studios and magazines for reviews. I will be selling my TK Audio BC1 and get one of these as soon as they are ready. Well done Stam Audio, again. Javier

Review By szyam